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    The following week, Killian was able to go to childcare, at least until Thursday, which was New Year's eve. He missed his friends, and actually wanted to go, making staying away from Corpse easy.

    And Weston appreciated it.


    She inhaled sharply, but played it cool the only way she knew how; staying quiet. Climbing into bed with someone felt weird, but she was oddly comforted just knowing he was there. They sat in silence, their backs against the headboard, both of them too nervous to say or do anything.

    Corpse turned on the TV to fill the silence, turning on some show on Netflix Weston hadn't watched before. She tried to pay attention but couldn't focus entirely. Corpse's body heat was radiating. She didn't need to look to know he didn't have any pants on, but what did she expect? They were getting ready to sleep. Of course he wouldn't be wearing pants.

    She was playing with the bottom hem of her oversized t-shirt when she felt his hot leg touch hers. He was inching slowly towards her, heating her body like a damn furnace. His thigh was against hers now, and with her hand on her shirt, her knuckles were brushing his leg. He slipped his hand under the blanket, grabbing her hand in his own. He rested their hands on top of the blankets, neither of them moving to look at each other.

    It felt so domestic, for them to be watching TV together, their hands on top of the comforter, casually laying together. Weston was nearly scared to look at him, or move at all, fearful he would disappear.

    They laid there for awhile before Corpse moved to turn off the lamp lighting up the room, unlocking the comforting grasp they had on each other's hands. The only light came from the TV now, making the blackness of the room appear more blue.

    When Corpse settled back into his bed, he laid down. Weston felt weird now, being above him, so she laid down as well, not moving to hold his hand again. She was too nervous to even consider it.

    Instead, he boldly pulled her into him gently. It was unexpected, but she accepted it, laying her head on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair, gently scratching her scalp.

    "So much for not touching," she whispered, snuggling into his side tighter, so he wouldn't move.

    He hummed deep in his chest as a response. She kissed his chest lightly, closing her eyes.

    Weston kissed the top of Killian's head. "Have a good day, baby?" She asked, leading Killian to the car. She was able to pick him up a little early, since she got off of work earlier than usual due to the holiday.

    "Yes ma'am," Killian said quietly.

    Weston furrowed her eyebrows. "Is something wrong, bug?" She asked, buckling him into his booster seat.

    She stayed in front of him, not leaving him alone in the backseat yet. Killian shook his head "no" but Weston could see the tears accumulating in his eyes.

    "Are you sure? Do you just want a hug?" Weston offered. Killian nodded.

    Weston unclipped him quickly, and pulled her into her chest. They hugged for a few moments.

    "Wanna talk when we get home, bug?" Weston offered.

    Killian nodded again. Weston buckled him for the second time and quickly got into the car.

    She couldn't think of anything that would make Killian so sad. Maybe he was just having a day full of big emotions he was unable to understand.

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