She tried to be comforting, letting Killian stay home the following day, and even calling out of work just to spend the day with her boys.Corpse appreciated it, but overall was more stressed. He had to give his audience some sort of answers, and they were taking it well, but he hated to see the pity. It was asking him feel weak, even though they weren't meaning to. He streamed with some of his friends, for just a little while before his arms couldn't take anymore. The doctors said that would happen after the first injections. It would take time. After a few days, he had somewhat coped with the reality he was settled in. Weston had reassured him they would look into as many options as possible, no matter where they had to go and how many doctors they had to see.
Killian's birthday was also coming up, on February 28th, and it was a hot topic among them. He was excited, and wanted a birthday party, but not with friends from school. He wanted it to be with all of Corpse's friends.
It would take a bit for them to plan it, but with the help of Rae, Weston was able to plan a small get together on Killian's birthday at Rae's house. She ensured she would get all of Killian's favorite people there, at least if they were available. Usually, Sunday's worked well for them.
Weston had exactly a week to plan the rest of the party, trying to pick up some shifts at the restaurant for extra cash for food and decorations. They had decided not to find a set theme, but stuck to Killian's favorite colors of blue and green.
"I'm running into Target; I have to get plates. Do you need anything?" She said, her phone in between her shoulder and ear as she got out of the car.
"No, Killian has been asking for ice cream all night though," Corpse commented.
"He'll be too hyper on sugar if I bring ice cream home."
"Thats why I told him no. He's already had a bath."
"Not asleep though?"
"No, he wanted to wait for you to get home."
"I'll be quick then," She said, immediately going to the party aisle. "They have small blue plates, and big green ones... will that look weird?"
"No, I think that'll be good."
"Okay... checking out now then. Ill be home in ten, I love you."
"Love you too, baby."
After she got inside, she put Killian to bed, promising to be home earlier the next night so they could hang out more. Corpse was in the shower, while she relaxed on the couch, ignoring her hunger to bask in her laziness.
She wouldn't have seen it if it wasn't on the top of her instagram notifications.
Although her first instagram post had been posted over a week ago, she was still getting a few hundred likes a day. It had definitely slowed down, but she was still shocked. She had just refreshed, when the top said something she wouldn't imagine.
nathanjones1995 liked your photo!
She wasn't the type to be irrational in the moment. It was a common name. She clicked on the profile before it refreshed again. On the page, she recognized him immediately.
The posts were relatively consistent, nearly one a month. He had grown up quite a bit, being that he was 25. He had facial hair, and a bit of a dad bod, and honestly, looked better than Weston wanted to admit. He looked healthy, and overwhelmingly normal. Scrolling further down, she discovered he had a wife, and two kids.
It angered her.
She felt her heart ache, hurt and angry with him. She was obsessing slightly now, looking at every picture in detail, going as far as finding his wife's instagram and looking at her posts too. She couldn't help but wonder if Nathan had told her about his other child, and his ex. God, it was so stupid for her to be jealous.. was this jealousy? She was unsure.
"You good?" Corpse said, his voice startling her slightly. She looked up to see him shirtless and in sweats, one hand in his hair, trying to get the excess water out of his curls.
"Y-yeah," she unintentionally stuttered. Choosing to avoid the conversation, Weston threw her phone to the side, standing to finally find some food.
"You don't sound good."
She ignored him for a moment, still caught up in her own thoughts, trying to make something out of all of this. What was she thinking? She didn't want to be with Nathan, she knew that. She just wished things had gone fairly, for Killian, and honestly, for herself as well.
"I uh...." She considered lying. But without lying to Corpse before, she didn't want to start that now. "Nathan liked my post on instagram."
Corpse furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh?.... Is that.... what does that mean?"
"Well, I guess it doesn't mean anything," she had tried to hide it from her tone, but she couldn't help sounding a little disappointed unintentionally.
She didn't understand it. Her relationship with Nathan wasn't even that great, but it felt like she had missed out on something, in some way. But what? She had Corpse now, and Killian loved him. There was nothing that Nathan had that Corpse didn't have.
Except for her past.
But isn't that how it goes? Why does that feel like it mattered so much?
"You're being confusing," Corpse said, turning away from her. He sounded frustrated.
"How, Corpse? I was literally just giving you an answer to the question you asked."
God, why was she even starting this right now? She didn't mean to argue.
"You sound like you fucking miss him," Corpse laughed sarcastically, anger in his tone more than playfulness.
"I don't!," she said, but even in her own ears she knew she didn't sound confident. She was too defensive.
Corpse laughed again, shaking his head. "Whatever," he dismissed, rolling his eyes at her.
He was angry, and she couldn't even say anything to change it. He had good reason to be. She was being ridiculous, and honestly she herself didn't know why she was feeling so much over this.
She ended up taking a shower, and sleeping in her bed alone.
sorry for being gone for a few days. i've needed to catch up on school, and i've been terribly busy. i think updating every day works monday-friday but might be a little bit of a problem for weekends. we will seetell me what you think :)

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband-
Fanfiction"i am used to destroying myself so other people can't." - Weston understood why he thought this was a bad idea. She was a mom, for fucks sake. But kissing him was addictive. Each time his tongue touched hers, it felt as if the ground b...