Corpse sat in silence, listening to Weston explain.He honestly felt confused. They had briefly discussed Weston's past, however, never anything about her parents. She talked about her time in Tennessee in high school, the retail store she worked at with her best friend at fifteen, but never her relationship with her parents. Especially after California.
"I just... Weston, maybe I just don't know all of the details, but... I just don't understand why you would be okay taking Killian around people who were okay without you for so long. They only made an effort to come back into your life after Nathan said something, but also after... I know you don't want to think of them as people who only care about money, but the reality is, they only came back into your life when we started trending everywhere, and basically became celebrities. I hate saying it like that, but that's what we are-"
"But they don't know about all of that stuff, Corpse-"
"How do you know they don't know about that? Did you ask?"
"Well no, but-"
Corpse sighed deeply, grabbing Weston's hands to make her focus on him. "Weston, you're being naive. It's not only about when they came into your life... it's also about why. They only initiated this when they found out about Killian. Is that a relationship you want to start with them? Because for awhile, it'll feel like they're just Killian's grandparents instead of being your parents."
"Corpse, she's my mom. Regardless of her intention."
Althought she was saying that, Corpse could see the uncertainty in her eyes. But he wouldn't argue with her.
He dropped her hands, sighing. He was disappointed with her, and honestly struggling to hide it.
"Maybe it's because I don't have a good relationship with my own parents, but I just don't see how you're able to forgive and forget after a single phone call."
"Corpse, I'm not forgetting everything that happened, I'm just trying to move forward! Killian doesn't know any family outside of us, why wouldn't you want this for him?"
Corpse snapped his head up, eyes locked on hers. "Don't try to use Killian as a way to guilt trip me into being okay with this," his voice falling lower. "You know how okay they are with just abandoning their own. Why would you wish that upon Killian?"
"Maybe it's not about Killian, Corpse! Maybe I miss my parents! I just..." Weston was crying, and Corpse could tell she was just as overwhelmed as he was. This wasn't easy, and it wasn't fair. There would be no right answer with this.
"Then that's an entirely different thing, Weston. That's the proposition you should've given in the first place!"
Corpse was trying to calm down, and stay selfless. This wasn't about him, and honestly, it wasn't about Killian. Weston was confused, and hurt, and she didn't know what to do. Corpse should be there for her, along the way as she figures it out, slowly but surely.
"Weston, I think if you would like to try to develop a relationship with your parents, you leave Killian out of it until you feel like you can trust them. It might take awhile, or it might not. I don't want to immediately think they're bad people, and I'm sorry for talking badly about them without knowing them. I just worry. I don't trust anyone, ever, and I shouldn't put that onto you. I just want to make sure you'll be okay," Corpse said softly, pulling her into his chest.
She hugged him tightly, dampening his shirt with her consistently falling tears. "I just want them to be proud of me."
Corpse didn't understand her feelings, but he muttered "I understand" anyways.
He had never had the desire to be liked. Now that he had everyone's attention, he constantly feared losing them overnight, but prior to it happening to him, he honestly couldn't have cared less about peoples opinions. He didn't want his parents involved in his life, and he didn't have any desire for them to care about him in any capacity.
So he was confused, and lost, and no, he didn't understand, but for Weston he said it anyway.
"You have tons of people proud of you," he reminded her.
"I know, but it's different when it's your parents."
Corpse stayed silent. He didn't agree with what she said, but who was he to argue with her while she was crying? And, maybe, in some ways, she was right, and he was just emotionally unattached to familial relations. He would take the mommy issues any day over dealing with what Weston was dealing with.
He didn't agree with Weston wanting to speak to them at all, really. But he wouldn't argue with her over it anymore. He would just make sure to be there when things would inevitably go wrong.
woo two chaptersi love you guys thank you for everything

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband-
Fanfic"i am used to destroying myself so other people can't." - Weston understood why he thought this was a bad idea. She was a mom, for fucks sake. But kissing him was addictive. Each time his tongue touched hers, it felt as if the ground b...