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    "Woah!" Killian squealed, opening the door to his room.

    Corpse had convinced Weston to redo Killian's room for the move, and it turned out better than either of them had expected. They made sure it was still whimsical, and full of dinosaurs since Killian was obsessed, but Weston tried to choose things that could grow with Killian. Hopefully she wouldn't have to re-theme his room any time soon.

"This is all mine?" Killian said, shocked. He was hesitant to touch anything. Although he had the same toys, and everything was now his, he treated everything so gently. It was sweet.

"Yeah, bug. All yours," Weston reassured him, ruffling his hair slightly. She couldn't keep the smile off of her face as Killian began to look through all of his things, gently pulling toys from the bins they had been placed in.

"Dinner will be soon, Killy, then Daddy is giving you a bath before bed, so don't pull out everything, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Killian agreed.

Walking into the kitchen, Weston got everything out to prepare spaghetti. It would be the first meal they would have all together in their home, and she was oddly emotional about it. Until Killian came back from Rae's, they had been unpacking everything and trying their best to organize things without the distraction of a child. They wanted Killian to come home to a place that felt like home, instead of boxes flowing down the halls.

Finishing up a stream, Corpse joined Weston in the kitchen, sneaking a piece of garlic bread from the baking sheet she had just pulled from the oven. "How does he like his room?" Corpse asked.

"He loves it, I think. He was treated every toy like it was brand new," Weston told him, pouring the cooked noodles into the strainer in the sink. "How was your stream?"

"Fine. Boring, honestly. I'm trying to get someone at InnerSloth to update the fucking game, but for now I'm relying on Otto to keep Among Us popular, and the kid is fucking eighteen. He's insane," Corpse rambled on.

Weston separated some noodles out for Corpse, putting a little extra butter into his bowl, before mixing the tomato sauce and the noodles. It was better that Corpse didn't have spaghetti, for the sake of his gurd. Sprinkling salt and pepper on the noodles, she handed him his bowl, motioning for him to go sit at the table.

"I'll get Killian, can you make his plate please?" Weston requested, kissing Corpse's buttery lips as she left the kitchen.

It felt unreal. The domesticity of it all.... she had no idea this could be her.

"Killian, come on baby. It's time for dinner."

Thankfully, Killian didn't argue with her as he began putting away all of his toys. Weston helped him, allowing him to take one of his stuffed animals with him to dinner. He was at that age.

Corpse was blowing on Killian's steaming spaghetti as Weston got Killian set up at the table, taking off his shirt to avoid the mess that would definitely occur. Killian loved spaghetti.

"Daddy," Killian giggled, hugging around his legs as Corpse set his food down on the table. "How was my friends?"

Corpse laughed at the small child, wrapped like a monkey around him. "They're good, bud. Rae misses you already."

"And Mika?"

"I'm sure Mika."

Right as Weston sat down with her own plate, her phone rang.

Not checking the caller ID, she answered.


"Hello, um, is this Weston?"

Weston eyes widened in shock.


super sorry for the long wait
health is slowly getting better now tho
love you all dearly

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