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"Keep them still, so they can dry. If you bump them into anything, we'll have to start over, okay?" Corpse said, blowing lightly on Killian's newly painted black nails.

"Okay.... do you think Mommy will like them?" Killian asked, flattening his palms dramatically on the table.

"Of course. I think she'll love them," Corpse encouraged.

Killian had seen a drawing on twitter of Corpse and Killian with painted black nails, showing them off. It was cute, and Corpse even retweeted it, but since then Killian had been begging him to paint his nails. Corpse didn't personally see an issue with it, so while Weston was grocery shopping for both of their apartments, he did it.

And honestly, it was cute.

"Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow, Killian?"

"Yeah... are we doing anything, Daddy?"

Killian still didn't know about the surprise party at Rae's house. They were still figuring out the final details of the plan, but his friends were helping him out a lot to make it more seamless for Weston.

"I'll talk to Mommy about it tonight. We'll figure something out."

"Um..." Killian was quiet now. "Will you make sure to tell her that I understand if we can't do anything?"

Killian was almost six, and now so much more aware of the things going on around them. It also didn't help that he was so mature for his age, and although he was small, he was quiet in the scariest of ways. He was always listening.

"Killian, you don't have to worry about that stuff. Mommy and I will make sure you have a good birthday, okay? Do you want to watch a movie while you wait? You'll have to sit there for a little while."

Killian nodded, and Corpse turned on the Cars movie on Disney Plus.

Going to the kitchen, he saw all of the bills littering the counter. He was lucky he was able to pay them now, after streaming and music really helped him out. But it was still so expensive. Just his electric bill alone was higher from all of the time he spent in his apartment, using the TV, his computer, chargers... all of it was adding up. Doing some quick math, he calculated that with all of his bills for the month, he owed nearly $3000 for one month. And that didn't include the groceries, his car, or any other payments he had to make.

Sighing, he went ahead and paid it all using the online portal the apartment provided.

He wondered how the hell Weston afforded it all. He supposed, maybe she didn't.

He wanted, so badly, to propose the idea of them buying a house together. He could afford it, for now, and he wanted to make the most he could for them, should anything go wrong. Corpse was living on borrowed time, or at least that's what he felt like he was doing.

He wanted to do all he could for this family while he had the chance.

But Corpse was unsure that Weston was ready. It was a lot to ask of her. They had only been together for four months, but it felt like much longer. Killian was his own, no matter what happened now; wasn't that enough?

And honestly, how much would change about their relationship? They already spent nights at each other's apartments, hopping from one to the other consistently. It was a waste of money, what they were currently doing, and he hated that. He knew what it was like to be living paycheck to paycheck, and he wished Weston would accept his help while he could still afford to give it.

His thoughts were interrupted by Weston coming into the apartment, bags of food in his hands, and climbing up her arms.

"Need help?" Corpse asked, laughing at her.

"Nope, I'm a one trip wonder!" Weston said, her voice strained from the weight of the bags.

"What's yours and what's mine?" Corpse asked, beginning to unload the refrigerated items.

"Doesn't matter, I'm barely at the apartment anyways," Weston said.

Corpse hummed in acknowledgment, but didn't comment any further.

"I paid all of my bills today," he said, picking up all of the paper bags from the floor, and putting them in his pantry to be reused.

Weston looked up at him with wide eyes. "Is rent due this week?" she asked frantically.

"Um, let me... look," he shuffled through the papers, finding the statement from their apartment complex. "Yeah, March 4th is Thursday."

"I don't get paid until Friday, fuck," she muttered, pulling out her phone to calculate some numbers.

"How much is your rent, Weston?"

"$2450, but I had to.. I had to get Killian a birthday present and the stuff for the party-"

"Weston, you could've asked for help with that stuff," Corpse scolded.

"Mommy!? Come look at my nails!" Killian yelled from the living room.

Weston glanced up at Corpse with sad eyes, before feigning happiness with Killian.

"Oh, wow, baby! You match Corpse now!" She praised, looking at them up close. "Corpse did a good job painting them."

"I know!!" Killian looked at them himself, finally able to move since they were dry.

Corpse wanted to continue their conversation, but Weston was distracted, wanting to spend some time with Killian instead. He couldn't blame her.

But now at least he knew, it was worth asking. And maybe, she would actually agree to move in with him.

i missed you guys
thank you for the love

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