MR. AND MRS. (52)

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Corpse couldn't keep the smile off of his face.

Maybe it was her accent, or how much she looked like Weston, or the feeling of the motherly hug she gave him the second he got out of the car.

He couldn't help it.

"Oh sorry!" She pulled away, "I don't know if you're much of a hugger, but I just got excited!" And Corpse couldn't pull himself away from her strong southern accent.

He was in awe of how someone could truly be a mother. He had never experienced anything like this before.

"It's alright, Mrs. Fields" he said, almost too quiet. He cleared his throat, turning to Weston who was holding Killian, a smile teasing smile resting on her lips.

Corpse could practically hear her saying "I told you so."

"I told you, call me Laura, please!" Weston's mother gushed, going in for another hug, before noticing Weston coming from behind them with Killian on her hip.

"Mom, this is Killian, in. the flesh," Weston set the boy down, letting him take his time to walk up to his grandmother, who had bent down to be at his level, and hug her.

"You're just like I imagined, Killy!" Weston's mother said, kissing his head lightly.

Killian didn't respond, he just laughed and Corpse could tell he was getting nervous and shy. He picked Killian up gently, and moved around to the other side of the car, buckling him back into his car seat.

"Daddy, do you like Grandma and Grandpa?" Killian asked quietly.

"Of course, I do, buddy. Why what's wrong?" Corpse asked, immediately stopping from buckling the seat, and paying attention to Killian.

"I just... I don't like meeting new people sometimes. It's scary," Killian whispered.

"Oh bug... Killian, it's just like when we talk to them over the phone, okay? It is a little scary, but Grandma and Grandpa are really nice people. I'm sure when you get to know them, you'll feel better, okay?"

"Yes, sir," Killian hugged around Corpse's neck tightly. "Love you."

"Love you too, bug."

Weston stood to the side talking to her parents while Corpse got everything situated, making sure the back seat was clear for Weston's parents to sit. Luckily, they would only be cramped in the backseat for about 30 minutes before they made it home.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Corpse asked, wrapping an arm gently around Weston's hips. He was getting anxious as people began to fill the parking garage, more flights landing, and more people trying to get into traffic.

"Yup!" Weston's mother spoke enthusiastically.

They piled into the car, Killian's grandmother happy to be sitting next to him, before Corpse pulled out of the garage and into the busy traffic surrounding the airport.

Corpse wondered when her father would speak to him. They had communicated well over the phone, often going off into their own little tangents about knives and investments, and anything really. But now, he hadn't said a word.

Corpse hoped it was simply from exhaustion, jet lag, maybe anxiety. For some reason, he couldn't lose the idea that perhaps he had noticed Corpse's curly hair, bushy eyebrows, and big eyes. Maybe he had noticed that Corpse was technically mixed. Maybe he was racist.

But Corpse didn't look half-Mexican like he was. He was pale from never leaving the house, and he didn't practice a single part of Mexican culture. He barely knew anything about it, honestly.

He tried to be optimistic.

Maybe he just thought he was ugly.

Weston's hand gently laid on his on the gear stick, squeezing slightly every so often. Corpse glanced at her, seeing her face full of worry and hesitation. Corpse knew she was probably thinking the same as him. Something with her father wasn't right.

They finally pulled into the driveway, Laura immediately commenting on how beautiful the house was, before even seeing the inside.

Corpse helped Mr. Fields get the luggage out of the trunk. He tried to force himself to say something, but couldn't find the words. His anxiety was getting the best of him, hands shaking.

"Son," Mr. Fields spoke. Corpse kept himself from flinching when he placed a hard hand on his shoulder. Corpse looked up at him, trying to keep the anxious fear from his eyes.

"I really appreciate what you've done for my daughter." Mr. Fields pulled Corpse in for a quick, unexpected hug, and before Corpse could even wrap his arms around the other man, Mr. Fields had picked up a suitcase and walked away.


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