BAD DAY (12)

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At first, Weston wasn't interested in finding out about Corpse and his online persona. She didn't have the time or energy to care.

But it was Christmas Eve, and three in the morning, and she couldn't sleep.

After their moment, Weston decided it was time to get Killian home and into his own bed. She had finally gotten into bed around 11, but still hadn't been able to turn her brain off, only being able to think about Corpse Husband.

It was weird for her to think about him at all; she hadn't considered having relations with anyone in a long time. But Killian was older now, and needed slightly less attention than when he was a newborn. She had only really known Corpse for a few days, but with their late nights talking, and spending time with Killian, she couldn't help but be completely drawn in.

So she did it.

She watched stream after stream, or at least pieces of them, including the ones with Killian. Nearly every compilation possible, she had seen it.

Corpse was hot, she had decided. He had such a vibrant personality with all of his friends, compared to how he acted with her child. It was interesting, and enticing, and she really couldn't help herself. She just kept watching, video after video, including interviews he had done or collabs. She found it so interesting how so many people were so obsessed, even without knowing what he looked like.

The most shocking thing for her to hear about was his health problems. She knew he wasn't always okay, but she wouldn't have guessed he could have so many health issues. It saddened her to think about it. After listening to Corpse explain why he didn't show his face in a interview, she felt so sorry for him. He was attractive, though. He was different than a lot of guys, and maybe, he was insecure about that, but he was still incredibly good to look at. She hoped one day he would think that too.

Before she knew it, after watching hours of Corpse talking and playing games, it was 8am and time for breakfast.

She was exhausted the second she left her bed, and she had royally screwed herself over for the rest of the day. Nothing to do about it now.

She made Killian breakfast, even letting him watch videos on her phone instead of sitting at the table. She was too tired to argue.

She showered with Killian, and got them both dressed for the day. Weston wasn't one for much makeup, but she put it on anyways, just to feel a little prettier and headed to Corpse's apartment. They had planned for 10am, and thankfully, she had gotten finished just in time.

When he greeted them with a sadder smile than usual, she tried not to consider everything that she had discovered about his life. She wondered if maybe he was having a bad health day, or if his insomnia prohibited him from sleeping the night before.

The plan was to go shopping all together, for extra gifts. They would trade off in distracting Killian while the other bought secret gifts for him from "Santa."

But neither of them felt up to it. Not at all. It had to get done though.

They piled into Westons car, Killian playing with toys in the backseat by himself, while Weston and Corpse were too dazed and exhausted to try to hold a conversation.

They decided on going to Target with the goal of being in and out instead of hanging around. While Weston picked out a few outfits, Corpse took Killian into the toy aisle to see what he would like before handing Killian over to his mother and picking out some more toys. Thankfully, they made it out in one piece, and relatively quickly without Killian seeing any gifts.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Killian commented. They went through the McDonalds drive-thru deciding to take it home, instead of eating in the car. Corpse did give Killian the toy from his happy meal as a distraction, though.

Corpse had been quiet all day, and Weston couldn't help but wonder what was going on. After he put the bags of food on the floor board in front of him, Weston grabbed his hand casually.

"What's wrong?" she muttered lowly, not wanting Killian to hear their conversation.

"We'll talk when we get home, okay?" Corpse said, squeezing her hand gently.

It made Weston incredibly anxious to hear that, but tried not to let it get to her. Did they do something wrong? Had Killian been bad in the store? She couldn't think of anything that would make Corpse so upset. But she had to remind herself, she didn't really know him.

They got to the apartment complex, Killian half asleep in the backseat. He usually didn't nap, but he had stayed up so late the night before, Weston honestly didn't blame him. She herself needed a nap.

Corpse carried the food while Weston worried about their bags and Killian. When they got to his door, Corpse typed in the code, and began setting Killian up with his lunch at the living room coffee table.

"I'm sorry," Corpse apologized, sitting down next to Weston and eating a french fry.

Weston furrowed her eyebrows, "for what?"

"Being weird," Corpse muttered. She could tell he was feeling anxious and insecure, and she didn't blame him. The past few days have been so out of schedule for him. He usually didn't leave his apartment, and somehow he had been to Walmart, Target, and McDonalds in 24 hours.

"No, I'm sorry. I know your social anxiety has probably been awful and that's my fault," Weston said. "You shouldn't apologize for being you."

Corpse looked up at her, something different in his eyes. She couldn't pinpoint it, really, but he looked nearly fond? Weston focused on her chicken nuggets, trying to think too much. It would get her into trouble.

"I uh... I'm exhausted. And, my pain has been really bad, and its Christmas eve, so I'm trying to be excited and everything for you.. and Killian, but it just.... I have a lot of um, issues," Corpse began, straining to really explain anything when he himself didn't know.

"It's fine. I know..." Weston slipped. "I uh..." Well, she couldn't go back now. "I watched some of your streams, and interviews, and stuff, because I was curious. So I already know." Weston spoke fast, hoping he wouldn't be able to truly keep up with it anyway.

"So now you know I'm fucked up and useless," he tried to laugh lightly, but Corpse looked so defeated. It was heartbreaking, to see someone so ashamed of being themselves and doing what made them happy.

Weston placed a hand on his thigh, "no, I just know you're better than you think you are." She used her pointer finger to tilt his face towards hers, looking into his eyes. "You're amazing, Corpse. I wish you saw yourself the way everyone else saw you," she whispered.

They were close, noses nearly touching. Weston felt so impulsive, and her heart was nearly beating out of her chest. He had opened his mouth slightly, so she could feel his breath fanning over her face.

"Mommy, I'm done!"

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