WARNING: suggestive content. they make out lol
Weston tangles her fingers in his hair roughly, groaning when he bites a little hard on her collarbone. "Corpse," she whimpers.
He kisses up her neck gently, landing soft kisses on her forehead before setting her down. Her legs felt wobbly from how long he had been holding her against the wall.
"You're beautiful," he reminds her, sliding his lips in between hers. He gently tongues her mouth open, his hands going to her cheeks, holding her. The kiss was filled with love, lust, passion... she couldn't really focus. They had been at it for nearly two hours, and she could only focus on his lips on hers.
"We need to...uh... we need to look at houses," Weston reminds him, pulling away from him gently.
"We did," Corpse comments, attacking her neck again, his hands finding her hips and squeezing.
"No, Corpse, we didn't," she laughs lightly, pushing his hands off of her. "We looked for three minutes before you attacked me on the couch."
"I don't think that's how that happened. You say on my lap. You knew what you were doing," Corpse scolded playfully.
"So the goal is really just find something that, when we split it, it's cheaper than what we pay in rent now," Corpse confirmed, clicking through the website.
"Mhm," Weston agreed, on her own computer doing the same.
They had talked it out, and had come to the conclusion that they were being equally idiotic. They should've talked about moving in together openly, and none of this would've happened. But now, they had a plan. It would be fine.
"And four bedrooms," Corpse added.
They would share a bedroom, but Corpse needed an office, Killian needed his own room, and they needed a spare room in case they had guests, or something went completely wrong. They were being incredibly realistic. Neither of them felt confident that their relationship was going to be perfect, but they felt equally willing to at least try. It was all they could do, really. They loved each other, but expressing it was extremely hard. Neither of them were good in relationships, Corpse was testing the boundaries of being a parent for the first time, and Weston was being forced to give up control. There were a lot of big changes all at once.
"I have my search open to LA, but what do you think?" Weston asked, glancing up at Corpse.
They had to work at the dining table, separated from each other. Keeping their hands to themselves was getting a little harder.
"I'm fine with San Diego. It's cheaper. I have no need to be anywhere near LA. Plus, Killian loves his school."
Weston nodded, continuing to scroll through the options. Most of the nice houses were slightly above her price range. They had agreed to split everything right down the middle until they were... legally committed. She didn't even want to say the "M" word.
"Still expensive though," Weston muttered, mostly to herself.
Corpse turned his computer around to show her one of the houses he had found. "It's a little out of budget, but all utilities except for electric and wifi are included. They even have a lawn service every two weeks. It's in a nice neighborhood, gated community. Big yard."
"Almost too good to be true," Weston mumbled. Corpse gave her a look. "Okay, okay, I like it," Weston admitted.
"Me too," Corpse smiled, bookmarking the link. "It's almost 2," he commented. Weston nodded; they needed to pick up Killian from school soon.
To budget better over the next month, they had pulled Killian from childcare. They weren't really using it anyway, with Corpse taking a break from streams to work on music for awhile. It gave Weston an extra $65 a week, and for that she was grateful.
"We have time," Weston looked up at him, nearly begging with her eyes.
"We do, kinda," Corpse smirked.
tiny chapter to hold you over until a long chapter tomorrow

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband-
Fanfiction"i am used to destroying myself so other people can't." - Weston understood why he thought this was a bad idea. She was a mom, for fucks sake. But kissing him was addictive. Each time his tongue touched hers, it felt as if the ground b...