It had been a week, and Weston still hadn't explained anything to Corpse.She was also still sick, and having to treat it herself, while working full-time, and trying to be a good girlfriend and mother. She still hadn't found a new apartment.
To say she was tired was an understatement.
Corpse was getting frustrated with her silence. He was watching Killian completely on his own every day, trying to work on his music, streaming consistently, and managing his health problems. And Weston didn't seem to care. She came home from work late every night, made a lousy dinner for Killian, and put Killian to bed after he showered by himself. Then she slept. And that was it.
Corpse knew there was more going on in her head than he could imagine, but that wasn't a good enough reason for her to ignore him. He wasn't even necessarily mad at her, but moreso mad at her inability to communicate issues with him.
It was finally the weekend.
And Corpse intended to figure this all out before it got out of hand.
Opening his eyes slowly, he immediately noticed the absence of Weston on the bed. He sighed.
Standing slowly, he stretched his aching limbs, slipping on a pair of sweatpants on the floor. He rubbed his burning eyes, walking down the hall to see Weston at the kitchen table, working on her laptop. She glanced up at him, her eyes red from staring at the screen, immediately going back to typing.
"Why are you up?" His voice was scratchy, and his throat burned. He moved to the kitchen to get water.
"I couldn't sleep," she admitted, her own voice sounding full of sickness.
"Have you taken medicine?"
She hummed a response, and Corpse wanted to accuse her of lying, but he avoided started an argument. It was only 5:42 in the morning. And it was both of their days off. He didn't want to cause any issues.
He sat next to her, sipping his water, glancing at her occasionally. She didn't seem to want to have a conversation, continuing to click and tap away at her keyboard.
"What are you doing?" he asked, after several long moments.
He hated feeling this way. He hated being anxious to talk. It was something he never felt around Weston, but now, he felt it. He didn't like being uncomfortable around her.
"Looking for apartments," she sighed, placing her head in her hands. "I... I don't know what to do."
"About what, baby?" He sipped his water, trying to avoid the urge to touch her.
"Paying for it. And it's not just San Diego. Los Angeles is expensive, hell, I even looked in Anaheim, and everything here is just out of my budget," she said, getting more frantic with each word. Corpse nodded along, not wanting to interrupt.
She was already choked up. Corpse stood immediately, grabbing the edge of her chair and pulled her away from the table. Kneeling in front of her, he could see her face, her eyes full of tears. She looked so exhausted.
"It's okay!" he tried to keep her from breakdown, rubbing her legs gently. "I... I didn't even know you were looking for a new apartment," Corpse admitted slowly.
"I... I mean, I haven't said anything. I've been a bad girlfriend, I'm sorry," she said, rubbing her temples. He could tell she felt bad. Like everything was failing. He reached out, placing a hand on her knee.
"No, don't be sorry. I... Weston, I can handle being put on the sidelines for a few days. You have priorities-"
"You're one of them," she looked up to meet his eyes.
"I know, I know. But my love for you is not fragile. It will not shatter over you being a little busier than usual," he promised her.
She looked grateful for the reassurance, nodding lightly. She looked down then, as if she had something to say but didn't know how to say it.
She started crying, sliding out of the chair and into Corpse's lap on the floor. He held her there for a while, letting her cry, barely knowing what was wrong. She was just emotional, he assumed.
She sniffled, coughing lightly. "I can't afford it, Corpse. Everything is too expensive here. In California."
Corpse furrowed his eyebrows. He hadn't even had the chance to offer to help, and she already sounded like she...
"Corpse, I think it's best if Killian and I move back to Tennessee."
baby chapter will big sadness
thank you for all the love

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband-
Hayran Kurgu"i am used to destroying myself so other people can't." - Weston understood why he thought this was a bad idea. She was a mom, for fucks sake. But kissing him was addictive. Each time his tongue touched hers, it felt as if the ground b...