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When Weston opened the door, she was able to get a good look at the room. She had been there before, but only to get Killian from Corpse, not to look around.

"Wow," she let out, her laugh breathy.

It was honestly less than she expected. He did so much on the computer, yet he only had one monitor. She pointed to it, "gotta fix that," she winked at him. He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I know. Just haven't left in awhile," Corpse commented, his hands shaking.

"You've done so much out of this small room, Corpse. Don't be ashamed of it. You're doing great, really," she kissed lips gently.

Bringing her in for a hug, they stood in the room for a long while, Weston taking everything in, and Corpse just enjoying her being there, in his arms.

"We have to get Killian a chair. He can't sit on my lap for forever."

"Maybe we let him pick out his own for his birthday?" Weston suggested.

"Yeah, I'll order it online through Rae. She has a discount on stuff like that," Corpse informed her.

They set up the room for their afternoon stream, Corpse seemingly getting progressively more nervous. Weston tried to remind him that it would fine, and they would simply do their best.

After picking up Killian, as they had promised, they finally could begin. Corpse tried to go over some base rules about what they could and couldn't talk about, reminding Killian more than Weston, just in case.

"Hey," Corpse greeted, unmuting himself in discord. Immediately, the room filled with familiar voices. It was loud, and Weston wondered how the hell Corpse dealt with it all in his ears at once.

"Thanks for setting up the lobby, Rachel," Corpse acknowledged. "Uh, I need to talk to my stream for a second, then we can start."

He sounded so much more...focused? She couldn't pin point it, but for some reason, with him clicking all of these buttons, being so familiar with what he was doing, his hands adjusting his headphones.... he was hot.

"So chat, today, as you know by now, I'm playing with Killian and Weston. I think Weston is going to play on her laptop, so she'll be playing with everyone but talking to everyone through me... and then Killian will be doing the tasks for me, as always, if that makes sense. Anyway, just be nice. Don't be a dick," Corpse explained.

The chat was flying by, if anyone had anything negative to say, Weston couldn't see it. He understood why he only read the super chats now. It was impossible to see anything else.

"Hi chat," Killian said cutely. "I missed you guys."

Corpse unmuted himself, so now they could begin the game. When Weston got into the lobby, changed her color to one of the new colors, and put on the Corpse mask, she nodded at Corpse, too nervous to speak yet.

"We're playing jestor and proximity later but for now it's just jestor," Corpse said. He let Killian do the tasks while he analyzed where everyone was around him. Weston on her own screen was just trying to figure out the right buttons to press.

She scooted a little closer to Corpse, silently asking for comfort. He placed a hand on her back, running his hands over her spine.

Corpse was focused on the screen, watching Killian do meaningless little tasks, tiny hands working at the keyboard.

"It's going to be weird talking about who I think the imposter is when another player is in the room," Corpse told his chat. "But we're going to be fair, I promise."

He was interrupted by a body being reported.

"Uh... Weston?" Toast asked.

"Yeah?" Weston said, voice shaky. She was so incredibly nervous.

"Where were you, uh.. last round?"

Toast's voice calmed her honestly. He was nice with her. "Um.. I went to electrical first, did my tasks, then went around to reactor to do the long task there... and, uh, that's it," Weston explained.

"Holy shit, you sound so southern!" Rae laughed.

"Sorry," Weston apologized laughing, "I'm just nervous!!"

Corpse squeezed her hand gently in reassurance before the conversation carried on, Toast asking each person where they've been and what they've done.

"Basically, we should skip, because I don't know who it is," Toast advised.

They game continued on, Weston becoming more and more comfortable with the group. She tried not to talk too much, but just enough that it wouldn't be weird.

Killian eventually got tired, wanting to eat dinner instead of continuing to play.

"I have to go cook Killian dinner, but I just want to thank you for being so welcoming and nice. Ash, I love you and Rae, I miss you," Weston laughed breathily. picking Killian up from Corpse's lap. He was cranky out of hunger.

Everyone told her bye, she kissed Corpse's head gently, before going to the kitchen.

It had gone smoother than she expected. Chat wasn't bad at all, and she was so grateful for that.

"Killian, you wanna go with me to pick up a pizza?" Weston asked.

He nodded excitedly.

They jammed out to music in the car, the way they used to, and Weston realized how nice it was to have a family now. She hadn't felt complete in a long time.

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liked by corpse_husband, loeylane, valkyrae, and 321,876 otherswestonfields; had fun streaming today!! thanks for being good to me <3

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liked by corpse_husband, loeylane, valkyrae, and 321,876 others
westonfields; had fun streaming today!! thanks for being good to me <3

corpse_husband wowowowoowo

user i forgot how gorgeous she is

user you're so pretty

user you should make your own stream!

valkyrae baby can i have your number

loeylane @/corpse_husband please bring her over already

user lay off the pizza

user can someone please come up with a cute ship name for them?! omg

they streamed together! woo

give me ideas :) love you all dearly.

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband- Where stories live. Discover now