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Weston was scared to bring Killian into Corpse's apartment when she didn't know what she was going to walk into. She got him settled in their apartment first, making sure he knew not to unlock the door for anyone before she left.

She typed in Corpse's keycode with shaky hands. She was terrified.

Walking in, everything looked normal, the same they had left it the night before. "Corpse?" she said loudly, but heard nothing.

She hesitated before walking into Corpse's room.

Corpse was laying on the floor, curled into a fetal position. His muscles were twitching, sweat dripping from his forehead. He was whimpering quietly, his phone laying next to him, but his arms prohibiting him from moving. It was a mixture of a dizzy spell and a panic attack, which had caused his fibromyalgia and arthritis to flare.

Weston rushed to him, bending down to his level. She could see the agony in his eyes, as he struggled to talk to her.

"It's okay, don't say anything, okay?" She said, tears in her eyes. She gently stroked his face, knowing there was nothing she could do until his body gave up. She tried to get him in a more comfortable position, but his shaking hands and seized muscles made moving him practically impossible. He was crying in pain, unable to make any sounds, but Weston could see the tears soaking his cheeks. She kissed each one away, trying to reassure him that it was okay.

"Did you take your medicine, Corpse?" she asked, and she felt stupid for asking him. She was surprised to see him furrow his eyebrows, shake his head. She sighed, tempted to scold him, but she knew it wouldn't do any good. It wouldn't change anything. "Okay, hold on," she stood, going to his bathroom and collecting the pills he was supposed to take daily. She grabbed a few bottles of water from the kitchen and made her way back to his bedroom.

He was uncurled now, and sitting up against his bed. His face was still twisted in pain, but at least he was able to move now. "Killian," he huffed out when he saw her.

"It's okay.. I picked him up," she said as she dropped the multitude of pills into his palm, setting the water next to him. She tried not to watch as he took every single one, knowing it would make him feel ashamed.

"Corpse... what happened?" she asked, as he finished.

He sighed, his voice still strained, but audible. "I... I... I lost feeling in my arm, and I thought it was just the nerves so I kept working, and ignored it, but then it just kept getting worse. I came to my room to call you, but I was too dizzy, and I passed out, and when I woke up I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I.. I panicked, which just made it worse... it just kept getting worse," he was talking incredibly slow, but Weston understood.

She wanted to cry for him. For him having to endure so much, feeling so lost. She couldn't imagine.

He was normally so on top of his health. He took his medicine daily, and tried to be healthier. He started taking charge of it because he had something to live for now, between the fans and Killian. He raved about it every night, still in shock that people liked him at all.

"Why wasn't your medicine working? Why didn't you take it?" she asked, trying not to sound too motherly.

"I forgot, and when I remembered, it was too late," he dismissed.

"You never forget, Corpse," she huffed, but left it at that. She had to get home to Killian anyway. "I don't want to leave you alone, but Killian is sitting in the living room worried about you," she said sharply. She was trying not to be mad at Corpse. He couldn't do it all on his own all the time. He was going through a lot, so she couldn't blame him for being distracted. Maybe having Killian every day was too much.

"I'll shower and be over in an hour or so," he said, without room for rejection.

Weston nodded, and left.

well... here we are

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