CORPSE? (19)

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    Life had gone back to normal for Killian and Weston. At least, kinda.

    With Killian going to school during the day, and then staying for KidCare in the afternoon, Weston could work full time at her receptionist job. The only issue was, she had no where to take him when she worked at the restaurant. Usually, he would come with her, and sit at one of her tables for the entirety of her shift. Now, he didn't want to do that; not when he could hang out with Corpse instead.

    So Corpse picked up Killian from school at 4, and they would play together, eat dinner, and Killian slept on the couch until Weston got off of work at the diner. It worked out.

    Until it didn't.

    Weston was packing up her things for her drive from one job to the next when Killian's afternoon teacher called.

    "Mrs. Fields? Are you on your way?"

    "Uh.... No? Did Killian not get picked up yet?" Weston asked, panic laced in her tone.

    "No. It's 5:56 and he's usually not here this late, so I thought I would give you a call," Mrs. G said calmly. "Look, Weston. Ill stay here with him, okay? He's okay."

    "Okay, I'm so sorry, I'll be there soon." Weston was practically running to her car, trying to get to the school as soon as possible. She couldn't imagine what Killian was thinking, but even more so, she couldn't imagine what Corpse was doing. For nearly a month, he had had no problem picking up Killian on time. The kids were supposed to be picked up by 6 or they would have to pay a hefty late fee.

    She quickly clicked on his contact, getting no response, only the phone ringing and ringing. She was more worried about him than angry.

    When she got to the school parking lot, Mrs. G was standing outside, Killian next to her.

    "Mommy!" Killian said happily. Weston hugged and kissed him quickly, opening the back door for him.

    "Hi, Killy, go ahead and buckle yourself in," Weston said shakily. She looked up to Mrs. G. "I'm so sorry. Can I pay the late fee tomorrow? I'll make sure this doesn't happen again, I just thought he would get picked up, I didn't know-"

    "It's really okay. Don't worry about the late fee," Mrs. G reassured. Weston smiled gratefully.

    "Thank you so much," she huffed out. She double checked Killian had safely buckled himself and got into the car. She considered calling Corpse again, but called the diner instead, telling them she wouldn't make it to work. She knew she couldn't afford to call out but she had no other option. She needed to figure out what was going on with Corpse.

After getting scolded by her manager, she tried Corpse again. The phone ran for a long while before finally, the call went through.

"Hello? Corpse?" Weston said quickly.

She could hear shuffling, but no voice. She sped down the road, fearful that maybe he had hurt himself, or something worse.

"Corpse, baby, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm on my way home... Ill be there in a few minutes, okay? I have Killy with me," she reassured, still hearing nothing on the other end of the call. She sighed, but hung up the phone.

"Mommy? Where is Crops?"

"I don't know, baby..." she said sadly.

"Is he okay?"

Weston hesitated. She could only be honest. "I don't know."

what do you think happened to corpse??

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