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After cleaning up Killian's fast food trash, Weston remembered something.


"Corpse?" she said frantically, "your merch drops in 30 minutes."

He looked at her, confused. "I know," he muttered, clearly more anxious about it than he was letting on. They had had a few conversations about it during their late night talks, and she had completely forgotten that was today.

"I'm so sorry," she muttered, going to grab Killian and get his stuff. "We'll come over when you're done with work, and you get everything taken care of, okay? Is there anything you need help with or-" She said quickly, throwing random toys and clothes into Killian's backpack that he thrown all over the floor.

Corpse stood, and came to her, touching her lightly to get her attention. His eyes held anxiety and fear. She wanted to hug him suddenly, wishing she could take it away. God, he had been through too much.

    She had such a soft spot for him, even though he was an adult and fully capable of handling himself. She tried not to let what she knew about his past and health complications affect the way she treated him. Usually, Weston was good about it, but with him, standing in front of her anxiously, she couldn't help but what to make all of his problems and worries disappear.

"I want you to be here. You'll make me.... you'll make it feel easier," he said nervously.

"You're sure? Corpse this is your moment. You deserve to relish in it," Weston reassured.

"Please," he was nearly begging, his fingers still brushing against her arm.

She nodded, hugging him tightly. He immediately hugged her back, squeezing her lightly. He sighed loudly. He was more stressed than she originally thought. No wonder he was being quiet.

"It's going to sell out, Corpse," she whispered in his ear.

"What if it doesn't?" he asked. His voice was laced with fear.

"Just wait, Corpse, you'll see."

They tried to watch the beginning of a christmas movie, but Corpse couldn't stop checking his phone, playing with his rings constantly. Weston tried to help by holding his hands with her own, and letting him play with her fingers.

    He typed out the tweet, with the link attached, watching the time change from 2:59 to 3:00. He tweeted out the link, and set his phone down. He was breathing heavily, too overwhelmed to focus on anything. His life had changed so dramatically, it was insane. He would've never considered this even being an option for him, but here he was.

    Weston, on her own phone, kept an eye on the website. She hadn't seen the merchandise prior to now, so she quickly bought a beanie, waiting in line for it impatiently. Killian would be so cute in it; Weston had already formulated the outfit idea in her head. After checking out, she sat her phone back now.

    "Corpse, do you want to know what's going on, or no?" Weston asked for approval first.

    Corpse turned his head to her quickly. "Holy shit, is something wrong? Oh my god," he began spiraling, leaning forward and putting his head in his hands. "Nobody's buying anything?" he said dramatically. "I'm going to lose so much money on this," he muttered.

    "Actually, so many people are buying that you just sold out. Of everything," she said, showing him the screen. He looked at it with wide eyes, going to his own phone to see that, yes, it was sold out. He ignored his twitter notifications, knowing it would be a mixture of good and bad, but tweeted a thank you to everyone.


    "Yeah?" Killian looked away from the TV, still playing the movie.

    "I'm streaming tonight, do you want to join me, or hang out here with Mommy?" Corpse asked. His voice still sounded shaken, but he looked so happy.

    Killian looked to Weston for approval. "It's up to you, baby."

    "Okay! Maybe for a little," Killian commented.

    Corpse stood, Weston following after him as he went into the kitchen.

    "I'm proud of you," Weston praised, making Corpse a tall glass of ice water and filling Killian's water bottle with a mixture of water and apple juice.

    "Thank you," Corpse said, a dazed smile still playing on his lips. He was still in shock.

    Weston handed Corpse their drinks, along with a snack for Killian, knowing he would be hungry in the next hour.

    Corpse took the stuff to his studio room, Killian following behind him, and shut the door behind him.

tell me your thoughts :)
next update; 1/9 12pm ish

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