CRY (31)

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    She checked the time on her phone again. Corpse should've been home by now.

    He had an important appointment with a nerve specialist, and she hoped they would figure out what was wrong with his arms.

    Killian had already fallen asleep after a long day, which only made Weston more concerned. Corpse had been gone for nearly 7 hours, and it was already dark. She debated calling him, but knew asking him a bunch of questions wouldn't do him any good. Maybe he had gone back to his own apartment to deal with it by himself. She had no idea.

    It was weird, not having him around all the time. Weston constantly thought about proposing the idea of moving in together, in a bigger place, with more stability. She had to remind herself that they needed to slow down, and the only thing doing it for them, was by living separately. It also added some sort of consistency for Killian, when everything else in his home life seemed inconsistent. He needed to know where home was, and those lines were consistently being blurred by them moving back and forth.

    She let out a long sigh. There was nothing to do but to wait.


hey baby, hope your appointment went well. are you home yet?
message read

    Well, she had tried.

    His silence confused her. It was odd.

    She opted to clean instead of focusing on all the issues she had. Cleaning the kitchen and living room relatively quickly, and folding a load of laundry, the only thing she had left was to walk the trash down to their bin right outside of their building. Quickly flipping the camera in Killian's room on, she kept her phone open on the live footage of Killian while walking the trash down the stairs.

    Corpse's car was parked next to hers, the headlights still on. She could see his head resting on the steering wheel. Rushing to throw the trash away, she went to his car quickly. Trying not to scare him, she knocked on the window lightly before opening the door.

    Corpse's music was load, nearly burning Westons ears as she quickly turned it down, maneuvering around Corpse's body. He looked up at her.

    His ears were bloodshot, tear streaks dried on his cheeks. His hair was disheveled, like he had been running a hand through it for hours.

    "Baby?!" She held his face in her hands, trying to get him to focus on her. His lips were bleeding from where he had been chewing on them, blood lightly trickling down his chin.

    "Corpse, are you okay?" She tried again, turning off the car.

    His eyes welled up with tears, his teeth going back to his lips, trying to keep tears from spilling.

    "Don't," she brushed a thumb over his lips, making his teeth release them. She ignored the blood on her thumb. "Come on, Corpse." She helped him get out of the car.

    His hands were shaking, as well as his legs, maybe from sitting for so long. He was hiccuping slightly, his breath uneven from crying for so long. She had no idea how long he had been out there.

    She sat him on the couch, checking on Killian again quickly, and finding blankets and pillows. Corpse was shivering, fingers fiddling with his rings constantly. She gently wrapped him up in a cocoon on the couch, kissing his cheeks, forehead, and nose as she gently wiped the blood from his face and lips.

    Weston held him for a long time, letting him cry in her arms. She knew he was hurting. Corpse wasn't much of a crier, and he never would purposefully ignore her.

    "What's wrong, Corpse?"

    "They," his voice sounded so grainy, like it hurt to speak. She knew talking after crying was bad for him, but let him continue. "The... the results were so fucking bad, Weston. I'm going.... this won't get better, it.. it won't go away. Ever. I'm going to die in pain, I'm going to live in fucking pain. What's the point" He was crying again, his voice cracking.

    "Shhh, it's going to be okay, baby," she tried to soothe.

    "No, I- I want to die," he sobbed, burying his head into her chest. "I don't want to do this anymore!"

    Her own eyes welled with tears. She couldn't imagine what he was mentally having to cope with. This was so much more than just their relationship. This was his life.

    The worst part was how his brain was so capable, and his body just wasn't. It's harder to let go when you know they're all there mentally.

    She hummed lightly, trying to calm him down, if only slightly. Running her fingers through his hair, she lightly scratched his scalp, playing with his ears every so often. Eventually he stopped crying, only letting out pitiful sniffles. She had no clue what to say. Nothing would change anything. All she could do was be there for him as long as he would let her.

They fell asleep on the couch, Weston too nervous to move, not wanting him to wake up.

I didn't expect this chapter to be like this, but sometimes the unexpected happens.
I wanted to bring light to some of the real issues Corpse is currently going through. I feel so sorry for him, and I only wish we could all take away his pain. Please, if you have a moment, go send some love his way on twitter or instagram, hoping for some form of recovery and clarity.

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband- Where stories live. Discover now