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Before we start, I would like to point out that the further we get in this story the less realistic it will be from what we see of Corpse. The reality is, no one knows what his daily life is like and what goes on. There are going to be less chapters about streaming/twitter/internet stuff because this story isn't supposed to be about that. It's more about the life Corpse could have outside of all of that. So, just a heads up :)

Weston wrapped Killian's presents from "santa" while listening to Corpse's livestream.

She understood the game now, after watching him play it in real time, and she could see why Killian liked it. It was easy, and looked fun. Killian didn't talk in the streams as much as she expected him to, which actually made her more assured that what Corpse was exposing him to was okay.

Throughout the stream, Corpse wouldn't stop talking about his merch and how grateful he was. It was incredible to see how much he had switched up in an hour, from being terrified nothing would sell and now prideful and confident about his abilities.

They way he interacted with his friends was funny, and something Weston hadn't seen before. He was confident, in some ways, but incredibly shy in others. He flirted shamelessly, and made inside jokes frequently, but also couldn't take compliments very well, and stuttered when he was asked about his personal life.

Weston knew there must've been some things Corpse never told anyone; feelings he never truly felt, and words left unspoken. His mind seemed so complex, yet he never talked about himself or his struggles. He was private in the worst of ways.

She also knew his personal life wasn't nearly as bad as he made it out to be, or as bad as the internet had perceived it. She wished she could reassure everyone in the chat that he was okay, and he could take care of himself. He tried his best, and thats better than nothing.

"Uh, chat, Killian's mom is here, so, thats why he's with me on Christmas Eve. You're making it sound like I kidnapped him," Corpse said firmly, but with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

The chat immediately began blowing up with questions about Killian's mom, and if Corpse was in a serious relationship.

Weston's face was hot, cheeks red, even though they had no idea who she was she was embarrassed.

"No, uh, Killian? Do you want to explain why you're here?" Corpse asked. Weston had never realized how gentler his voice was when he wasn't streaming and when he was talking to them until she watched it change mid-sentence.

Corpse was dead, and floating in space, so the proximity feature wasn't picking up any other players speaking.

"Crops has a christmas tree, so me and Mommy can get presents from Santa," Killian tried to explain, ultimately making no sense.

"Kinda, yeah. Um, basically Killian can't get presents from Santa without a christmas tree, and since they don't have a christmas tree at their house, they're staying here so Killian can get presents," Corpse tried to explain. "Killian, say bye to everyone," Corpse said.

Killian said bye sweetly, telling the audience and Corpse's friends he would be back soon.

Weston knew why he told Killian to leave. The chat was going crazy over Westons parenting, going on about how she was a shitty parent for not buying a christmas tree and not letting her son have presents.

When Killian came out of the room, he was happy, but Weston could tell he was tired. "Hey, bug," she greeted, closing out of youtube on her phone quickly.

"Hungry," Killian said simply, coming to hug and snuggle. They had streamed for a long time, and it was nearly 8pm. Killian still needed a bath, and dinner, so Weston decided on something quick and easy. She texted Corpse asking permission to use his kitchen and food to make dinner, promising to replace anything used. He sent back a simple "thats fine," and Weston began cooking.

She decided on mac n cheese, and hot dogs. It wasn't the best meal in the world, but Killian was exhausted, and whiny. She just needed something to feed him at this point.

They ate together, Killian feeling a lot better afterwards and excited to take a bath. Weston took them to their apartment since Killian had so many bath toys. He was raving about "Crops" and his friends the entire time. Killian didn't quite understand how many people were watching him, but it was cute that he was interested.

Usually Killian dressed himself but after playing in the bathtub for nearly an hour, he was exhausted. Weston dressed him in dinosaur pajamas, and carried him back over to Corpse's apartment, typing in the code quickly before laying Killian on the couch. They hadn't discussed sleeping arrangements yet, but Weston assumed she would sleep at her apartment and just leave Killian here, making sure to make it back before he woke up the next morning.

"I didn't know you left; I was worried," Corpse commented, making food for himself in the kitchen.

"Killian needed a bath and ended up playing in there for nearly an hour," Weston replied. "How was your stream?"

Thinking about it, Weston was sad. The entire internet had a preconceived notion about her that wasn't true. It was hurtful, she was just grateful no one knew who she was.

"It was good, everyone loves Killian."

"Yeah..." They sat in silence for a few moments, Corpse eating and Weston playing on her phone. She had social media accounts but didn't really post often. She didn't have many friends, only colleagues at her two jobs, but she enjoyed looking at everyone's posts and she knew a lot of her colleagues liked seeing Killian every once in awhile.

"What are you doing?"

"On Instagram," Weston looked up. "Why?"

"Just wondering..."

"What do you post on instagram, if you don't show your face," Weston asked curiously.

Corpse was quiet, his ears turning red from blushing. "Nothing," he said quickly.

"That sounds suspicious, Corpse," Weston laughed. She typed his name into the search bar. "Holy shit, that your fucking hair?" She questioned, shocked.

"Gotta give the people what they want," Corpse replied, rolling his eyes.

Weston thought it was funny until she kept scrolling. She hadn't noticed it before, but now that she was looking, Corpse had hot hands. Was that something she was into? Since when?

She zoomed in on one of the pictures, feeling her face get hot. She glanced up at him, sitting across from her. He was still eating, while scrolling on his own phone. His hand reached out and wrapped itself around the glass. He took a drink, and holy shit, Weston was struggling to breathe.

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