Weston stood up from the table, leaving Corpse and Killian watching her curiously as she exited the room."Hello, Weston," her mothers voice was filled with what sounded like relief. "I'm sorry for calling so unexpectedly." And now, it was awkward.
Weston wanted to be angry for a moment, before she decided to try her best to let it go; at least until she heard what her mother had to say.
"It's okay... how are you?"
It took a lot of her to try to act normal. Weston was struggling to decipher her feelings. Part of her wanted to cry from excitement, and spill everything about her life to the woman she used to consider her best friend. The other part... she was surprised she wasn't screaming yet. She was unsure what she was even mad about.
In her first few years living in California, Weston was fueled by Nathan to be angry with her parents for losing contact with her. Nathan would encourage her not to communicate with her parents, saying it would help with the transition of moving on. Eventually, her parents stopped trying to call and Weston stopped expecting they would.
After Killian was born, and after she got more level-headed, she realized it wasn't easy for them either. Weston was independent, even at the age of 16. She was a bad kid, and she couldn't necessarily blame her parents for making an attempt to leave her life while she was going off the deep end. Still, they should've been more aware of her bad habits while she was in Tennessee, and they should've set more boundaries for her growing up.
But what was being bitter as an adult, and as a mother, going to do about the past?
Moving on from bitterness was something she had learned from motherhood, so as her mother spoke, her tone soft and so incredibly soothing, she couldn't help but feel relaxed and renewed.
"I'm doing well. I... I wish I could catch you up on everything going on over here, but it's been so long, I'm unsure I know where to begin. Your father and I have been thinking of you incessantly recently, and when Nathan called-"
"Nathan crossed the line, Mom. I'm sorry you had to find out about.... I'm sorry it came from him and not from me," Weston apologized, her heart aching. She felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack, or maybe she had some suppressed guilt that wasn't budging. She couldn't think, really.
"No, no... we also should've made more of an effort when you left to... to make sure we held up our end of the deal. Parenting isn't easy, Weston. We didn't know what to do. We trusted that you knew what you were doing, and that was a mistake we made. We acted as if you were 25 instead of merely 16. I regret letting you move to California every day. I've regretted it for eight years, and I still regret it now. I know... I know we've missed out on so much of your life, but we still love you so much."
Weston closed her eyes, letting her tears fall down her cheeks. She didn't know what to say. She was so overwhelmed with it all.
"And I know you're a wonderful mother. We're so proud of you for being able to do it on your own."
And Weston couldn't stop herself from letting out a quiet sob and sniffle. She put her hand over her mouth to suppress the sound. All she had wanted was for someone to be genuinely proud of her. She had done it all on her own for five years before Corpse came into the picture. It wasn't easy. It felt impossible at times, but at least someone had finally recognized that she did well.
"Thank you.... I-I love you guys," Weston choked out, trying her best to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
"When you're ready, I just want to clear up some things Nathan said. And we would love to meet Killian one day, when you're ready, of course," her mother reassured.
Weston was nodding before she could finish her sentence, even though she couldn't see her face. "Of course. I'll have to talk to Killian's dad about it... there's a lot to tell you about that entire situation, so let's try to plan a call sometime this week. Maybe with Dad, too?"
"Alright, sweetie. I love you, Weston."
"Love you too, Mom."
how do y'all think Corpse will feel about all of this??
love you all dearly thank you for the kind words always

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband-
Fiksi Penggemar"i am used to destroying myself so other people can't." - Weston understood why he thought this was a bad idea. She was a mom, for fucks sake. But kissing him was addictive. Each time his tongue touched hers, it felt as if the ground b...