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westonfields posted a new photo!

liked by corpse_husband and 654,234 otherswestonfields; new to the instagram thing but hi i'm weston lol

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liked by corpse_husband and 654,234 others
westonfields; new to the instagram thing but hi i'm weston lol

corpse_husband hi weston i'm corpse wanna hang soon?

user you're so pretty!

user she's the hot mom

loeylane you're gorgeous!! i wanna hang out some time!

user corpse is lucky lmao

valkyrae <3333

user someone make them a ship name lmao

She showed him the screen again. "Look, there's more comments," she said excitedly. Everyone was being so shockingly nice, she could barely contain herself.

Weston had never pinned herself to be one of those girls who took pretty pictures, and posted them with confidence. It was Corpse's idea, since the last thing she had posted was from nearly a year prior, and she had gained so many followers since Corpse tagged her in his initial announcement post. She hadn't been complimented so much in her entire life, and she was genuinely happy. She felt young again.

"I see, baby," Corpse kissed her temple, "Don't look at analytics too much. You'll be disappointed every time."

Weston looked at him, nodding. "I only care right now because its new..."

"I understand," he stood, "Killian is playing in his room?"

"Mhm," she said, eyes still locked on her phone.

Corpse looked at her before letting out a long sigh. She would get over it eventually. The excitement was new, he knew that, so he wouldn't take it personally.

"Killian?" Corpse knocked on the door before entering, waiting for Killian's approval.

"Come in," Killian shouted,  louder than necessary, making Corpse laugh.

He was trying to make some sort of fort, blankets and his pillows all over the floor.

"Woah, what's going on here?" Corpse asked, stepping over all the mess to sit on the bed.

"I'm trying to make a fort, but I can't... I'm not... I'm too short," Killian said, reaching his arms far above his head, trying to awkwardly drape a blanket over his closet door.

"Let me help you. Ill get bigger blankets too, and we can make it a master fort!" Corpse offered.

"Yes, yes, yes" Killian was nearly shivering with anticipation, following Corpse out of his room and into the living room. Weston was now cleaning the kitchen, watching the boys giggle, pretending she couldn't see them as they stole the barstools and dining chairs. She rolled her eyes at their silliness, grateful Killian had found someone to entertain him.

He still hadn't mentioned the whole daddy thing to her, and it had been a full week. Weston was tempted to ask him about it herself, or maybe it was simply time to tell him it was okay to call Corpse whatever he wanted, and see if she could bait him into mentioning it. She just wanted Killian comfortable, and for him to know she would never be upset with him for doing something comfortably.

After she finished with the dishes, she went to Killian's room, seeing the door slightly open. She pushed it open more, seeing Corpse help Killian build a huge fort, spanning Killians entire room. Corpse had moved everything out of the center of the room, to make space for a big pallet he had made inside the fort.

"Daddy, you gotta put the blankie higher, so we can see the TV, because when I- when I lay down, I can't see it because the blanket is, it's in the way."

"Okay, so this high?" Corpse shifted the blanket.

"Yes, right there! Now you have to tell Mommy to come see it!"

Weston opened the door more, bringing attention to herself. "Oh, I'm seeing it!" she said, honestly impressed.

"Look at what Daddy did!! We built a fort!" Killian said, immediately going to show Weston every part of the fort, without even realizing it.

Weston glanced at Corpse, seeing his eyebrows raised in shock. She ignored it, engaging in what Killian was saying fully.

"I love it, baby. Are we sleeping in it?" She asked, kissing Killian on his head.

"Yes, with Dad-" He turned to her then, realizing what he had said.

His eyes broke her heart. He looked so scared, and maybe it wasn't scared of her, but instead scared of what she was thinking. Killian was too young to make that distinction.

"I'm sorry," he immediately tried to say.

Weston pulled him into a hug, stopping him from speaking. "Don't be sorry for getting comfortable, Killian," she told him kindly.

Corpse bent down to their level as well. "Killian, you can call me whatever you want to call me for now, and when you're ready to talk about it, we can." He kissed Killian's head as well. "I love you... I love you both."

as always :))) let me know what you think

TENNESSEE WHISKEY -corpse husband- Where stories live. Discover now