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"I-I'll pay you back for all of this, really," Weston whispered next to Corpse, watching him pull his wallet out to pay. With it being the day before Christmas, Walmart was a nightmare, but they made it through.

They had found a christmas tree and ornaments surprisingly. Many of them were novelty that Killian had picked out, which made everything more expensive but it was all they had. The total came out to about $200 and Weston felt horrible about it.

"Don't worry about it," Corpse muttered as quietly as he could. He had to be careful about his voice in public. Weston could tell, throughout the shopping trip, that he was an incredibly anxious person in public. She tried to help out, by taking control of the situation so he wouldn't have to make any major decisions with his anxiety.

Killian was sitting in the cart, playing with all of the ornaments they bought. They hadn't chosen a theme at all, with multiple animals but also foods. It was quite weird, but they didn't have much of a choice.

"Killy, baby, put the ornaments in the bag, we're about to get into the car," Weston told him as Corpse pushed the heavy cart to Weston's car. They had to take her car for the booster seat.

While Weston made sure Killian got into the car safely, with his seatbelt buckled, and his backpack in the car, Corpse unloaded the christmas tree. He got a fake one, with the lights already attached, so they could set it up quickly.

Killian sang along to music in the back seat.

"Corpse, I'm... I'm sorry," Weston said genuinely. She felt awful about the day. He hadn't asked to deal with this. She forced Killian onto him, and now, she felt horrible about it since he had become so attached to Corpse so fast. Weston expected Killian to do this, and yet, she still brought Corpse around him and now, separating them would be harder than she ever would've thought.

"For what, Weston? There's nothing wrong," Corpse huffed. She could tell he was frustrated that she kept saying it over and over but she couldn't help it.

She gripped the steering wheel harder, trying to calm down. Now, he was mad at her.

She had moments like this often, when every word someone spoke to her felt like an insult. It came with single motherhood, she thinks. Not being able to have a break, and being so aware of emotions and everyone but herself... it was overbearing sometimes.

Now that Killian was getting older, the days she spent for herself were fewer and farther between. When Killian was younger, he needed slightly less, when it came to toys and extra things.

It was embarrassing to admit, but for the first two years of Killian's life, she avoided gifts and holidays like the plague. He didn't remember those times, and wouldn't remember them, but, at the time, she couldn't afford to buy extra things like that. He played with empty water bottles full of coins, and small stuffed animals Weston would find at the dollar store.

Now, he saw the things his friends had, and wanted them. And he was vocal about it. Weston tried her best to do everything she could, but sometimes bills needed to be paid before Killian could get the newest toys. It was life, and she was having to accept it.

The older he got, the worse it was going to get. She was lucky to have such a gracious and patient son.

Hearing him singing christmas music in the back seat, she glanced behind her in the rearview mirror. He seemed so happy.

She started to tear up at the realization that she would never be able to give him what he deserved.

Corpse reached over, grabbing her hand from the steering wheel, and holding it in his own. He said nothing, and kept his eyes towards the window, but gave her a few squeezes, then ran his thumb over hers.

Their hands sat on top of the gear shift until they pulled into the apartment complex.


just a lil incite to weston's brain
next chapter; 1/6 9pm est

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