Chapter Eleven

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“I never liked being in the middle,” Mammon, the archdemon of greed, mumbled, flopping down on one of his pristine white leather couches. “It’s like, you’re not saving me until last, but I’m also not the first one you come to.”

I apologised and sat next to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and pulling his body against mine, gently rubbing his arm. The greed demon curled up against me, resting his head on my lap as I ran my fingers through his short black hair.

Something glinted in the light, making me smile and poke the new piercing pressed into the left side of his nose. “What’s this?” I asked, tracing my finger along the sparkly stud.

Mammon grinned. “You like it?” he asked. “I got it last week. Guess what kind of stone it is.”

As I studied the blue precious gem, I pursed my lips, tracing the piercing again with the tip of my finger. “It’s too light to be a sapphire,” I murmured to myself. “Blue topaz, maybe? Aquamarine?”

“Wrong and wrong.” Mammon stretched his arms over his head and shut his striking golden eyes. “It’s a blue diamond.”

“Wow,” I breathed, letting out a low whistle. “How much did that cost you?”

He shuddered at the thought. “I don’t like to think about it.” He pouted up at me when I rolled my eyes. “It was a good investment, though. Now, I’ll always have some of my wealth on me at all times.”

I laughed and hugged him. “I like it,” I told him honestly, letting him hold my neck and bring my head down to connect our lips. “You’re a show-off, though.”

“Says the man who recently fucked both Lucifer and Leviathan,” he snorted, spitting the last name as though it left a vile taste in his mouth.

“Run it by me again; why exactly do you two hate each other?” I asked.

Mammon sat up, looking at me. “You know very well how much I like being unique,” he growled, before a sigh escaped his lips. “But, every time I try to do something new -- something different -- that bastard come in and steals the spotlight.” His gaze moved from me to glare at the furry cushions on the sofa. “You know, once he finds out about this,” he said, pointing to his nose. “He’s gonna get one of his own. Maybe not a diamond, and maybe not on his nose, but he’ll have one.”

I gently cupped his face, stroking my thumb in soothing motions across his cheek. He smiled softly, nuzzling my palm before snuggling against my side. “You know,” I said cheerfully. “If it’s any consolation, he’s no where near as sexy as you are when I’m screwing him.”

He raised an eyebrow, peering up at me seductively. “Are you sure?”


“Should we test that?” he smirked, straddling my hips and gripping a fistful of my hair and tilting my head back to kiss me.

Technically, maybe I had kind of lied to both Levi and Mammon, implying that they were the better one compared to the other. I was sure Mammon thought his rival also preferred to bottom when it came to having sex, but it was the opposite case; and the same goes for Levi. The truth is, the two of them were perfectly compatible when it came to the physical side of things. When it came to conversation, however, that wasn’t the case.

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