Chapter Nineteen

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Adiel was driving me crazy. No, he hadn't done anything wrong — in fact, he was doing all the right things to get me turned on enough to want to push him a little further. Even though I hadn't, it was safe to say that Benji and Damien were receiving more visits from him than they probably wanted.

This whole issue with Gabriel was still bothering me, though. I knew I wouldn't be able to get Adiel to just tell me how he felt, so I would resort to the only other way I knew how. I was going to mess with his dreams; get him to spill his thoughts to something he didn't think existed.

It was the middle of the night and I stood outside Adiel's room in the dark hallway. Most of the staff had gone home, with only a couple left cleaning up the kitchen. Other than that, we were alone.

I slowly turned the doorknob and crept inside, smiling when I saw Adiel curled up under the sheets, his wings folded comfortably around him to shield himself from the chilly night air. Careful not to wake him, I gently closed the door behind myself, making my way to the bed and crawling in with him.

I pressed my forehead against the back of his neck and closed my eyes, feeling Adiel shift as I used my illusions on him, turning into someone from his memories he'd probably never see again.

Adiel sighed and rolled over, his eyes fluttering open before they widened in shock and he sat up. "Gael?" he asked  disbelievingly, reaching up to rub his eyes. I stopped him, grabbing his wrist and bringing it down, using all my power to calm him down. He exhaled and lay back down. "I'm dreaming," he whispered to himself.

"Yeah," I said, gently raking my fingers through his hair. Adiel made no move to pull away as I leaned over him, annoying long blond hair falling in my face as I bent down to kiss him softly. "Of course you are."

A slight pink tint dusted Adiel's cheeks as he cocked his head to the side, frowning softly.

"What's wrong?" I asked, running my thumbs along his cheeks, though Adiel said nothing. Instead, he placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down, gently kissing my lips. I pulled back slightly, looking down at him in surprise.

"I can do what I want in my dreams," he murmured childishly, expression growing a little defensive. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in the nape of my neck.

"I don't remember you ever being this affectionate," I smiled, Gael's voice sounding foreign and weird to my ears, but it only made Adiel hug me tighter and repeat what he had said. My grin grew a little wider as I sat back, pulling Adiel up with me. "And what is it you want to do?" I asked quietly.

His legs moved to wrap around me comfortably and he gently nuzzled my jawline. "Kiss me," he mumbled.

I chuckled. "I can't do that if you keep your face there," I told him. My heart was beating rapidly at his adorable demeanor, but it constricted painfully when I realised he wasn't doing it for me. He saw the archangel, Gabriel; gorgeous and pure with his cocky smirk and inconveniently long blond hair.

Adiel pulled away and tilted his head up, allowing me to lean down and press my lips to his. He  raked his fingers through my hair and tugged, a low groan rumbling in the back of his throat as he did so. As I slowly pushed my tongue into his mouth, Adiel's legs spread slightly, giving me space to position myself between them.   

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