Chapter Fourteen

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It had been a little over two weeks since ‘Maya’ had arrived at my home and her father had yet to return from Gehenna. The brat walked around as though she owned the place, though I guess she wasn’t raised with the same common sense as everyone else around here.

There were so many times when my hands seemed to twitch with the urge to attack her, but the fact that Adiel was happier than he’d been since he’d gotten here stopped me.

Still, she had to go.

If I were to force her out, my relationship with Adiel would get even worse -- if what we had now could even be called a relationship. I had to make her leave of her own free will. Maybe I could plant the idea in her head, but she’d still need something to set it off; a catalyst.

I sat in the dining room, picking at a pasta dish the girls had cooked up, watching Adiel and Maya at the end of the table, the two of them deep in conversation. I felt sick just looking at them, and called Rose over, muttering in her ear as she bent down. “I need blood.”

The succubus furrowed her eyebrows in worry, but nodded and left the room, returning a few minutes later with a large crystal chalice filled with blood -- demon blood, from the smell of it. We didn’t use blood as sustenance like  vampires did. Instead, the other fallen angels and I treated it more like medicinal tonics we could draw life from. I had never felt the need to drink it unless I felt seriously ill, so I understood Rose’s concern.

As I sipped at my drink, Maya stopped talking suddenly, catching Adiel’s attention as she turned to stare at me, sniffing the air and catching the scent of blood. She watched me curiously as I placed the glass back on the table and glared at the two of them.

“It’s cambion blood,” I told her bitterly, making her snort and return to her conversation. My lips pursed in an angry pout as I watched the smile that stretched Adiel’s soft lips. Looking down at my half-eaten food, I pushed the dish away and stood up, draining the rest of the blood and tossing the glass to the floor, watching as it rolled along the surface and stopped when it reached the wall.

I could feel the warm droplets trickling down my chin, but I didn’t bother to wipe them away as I left the dining room, catching the few incubi in the front room after their return from Gehenna.

“Sorry, sir,” one of them said, shifting into his female form. “We’ll get back to our rooms, now.”

As the group of demons began to leave, I grabbed Dante’s arm and pulled him aside. “You and I need to talk.”

He nodded and shifted into the petite demoness known as ‘Daisy’.

“No, wait,” I said, making her look up at me. “Go back.” When he changed again, I reached up to wrap my arms around the incubus’s neck and pulled him down to press our lips together. His tongue darted out to lick at the dried blood around my mouth as I felt myself being pushed against the wall, holding my legs up and cinching them tightly around his waist.

His hands flew to my jeans, massaging his palm against my crotch and pinning me against the wall with the weight of his body. The demon unzipped my jeans and quickly began pumping my hardening erection as he buried his face against my hair, grinding himself against me.

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