Chapter Five

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I never really liked those black-market deals people made when it came to imps. They always looked so abused and unhealthy. In Luxuria, however, stood one of the biggest imp emporiums in existence. It was a large three storey building that took up almost an entire block of land and housed a little over three hundred imps. Most people bought their imps from there or dropped them off to be resold.

Currently, I was being escorted through the hallways of the third floor by a vampire who seemed to be in her late twenties. Her black hair was pulled back into a french roll and her stylish square-framed glasses enhanced the colour of her light green eyes. The outfit she wore was tight and form-fitting, with a pencil skirt that stopped just above her knees and a grey blouse that looked a size smaller than she actually was.

“We’re honoured to have such an esteemed guest like you here, my lord,” she said as she guided me through the various corridors. “Was there a certain colour you were looking for?”

“Pink,” I interjected without even thinking. Adiel probably wouldn’t be all that happy with pink. After all, it was an outrageous colour that might have been too much for him to handle. “Actually, do you have any white?”

White was an angelic colour, right?

The vampire grimaced. “White is a very rare colour,” she told me. “How about I take you to the pink room first, and then we can look at the greys and find one that’s close to your taste?”

I nodded and followed her to a door painted with a gradient of pink and a Victorian stylised window to enable anyone to see into the room. The woman peered through the window before unlocking the door and gesturing for me to go inside.

A little over twenty imps, both male and female and all various shades of pink, were lounging around the room. The floor was lined with futons on either side of the room and a large curtain was drawn back to make the space larger. The back wall was a glass window, overlooking the beautifully designed streets of my city.

“What’s the curtain for?” I asked, taking a few more steps into the room to get a closer look at the imps.

“It’s to separate the boys and the girls at night,” the vampiress smiled, watching as I eyed two of the girls, both of whom sat on a beanbag in the corner, large bulges in their stomachs.

“Does it work?” My tone was skeptical, making the woman clear her throat uncomfortably.

“After some testing, we’ve found that the neither of the fathers are from this room. Though, we won’t be able to know until the children are born. Just to let you know, neither of those girls are for sale -- for the sake of their offspring.” The two female imps cringed a little, but seemed to relax.

I nodded. “That’s understandable,” I murmured as my eyes swept the room.

A couple of them caught my eye, and I crouched down in front of one who was playing with an old stuffed bear. There was no way of really telling how old he was without asking, but although he was a little smaller than some of the others, he looked fully mature.

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