Chapter Fifteen

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Strobe lights flashed green and pink as music shook the room and sweaty bodies danced against each other. The room would’ve been pitch black if it weren’t for the colourful lighting, and I watched as some people moved away from the crowd to lean against the panelled walls.

I had been approached several times since my arrival by both men and women; some asking how I was doing and some wanting to know if I’d like to head somewhere a little more private. I’d rejected the offers though, not really feeling in the mood for a one-night stand.

Until, after a couple of hours of dancing and drinking, I was approached by someone I’d seen before at some of the city’s S&M clubs. He was a large werewolf with shaggy hair of the deepest brown and scars riddling his body. Most people tended to stay away from him, saying he was dangerous; but there was always that one person who decided to go with him, and came back the next morning, a bruised, dazed mess.

Today, that person was me.

It was almost as if I didn’t care anymore. As if i just wanted to forget about what was happening back at my home. If spending the night with a supposedly violent stranger was they way to do it, then that’s what I’d do.

As soon as the man handed me a glass of strong liquor, I already knew the drink was spiked with some sort of drug, but I drank it anyway, feeling my fingers tingle slightly as the numbing feeling moved through my system. “You know who I am, right? You didn’t need to do that.”

The man shrugged and grabbed my arm, pulling me up from my seat and catching me by the waist when I stumbled forward. “It just makes things easier, you know?” He leaned forward grinning as he sniffed at my hair. “Plus, it makes you feel it more.”

“What makes you think I’m not capable of ‘feeling it’?” I watched as the werewolf rolled his eyes.

“Everyone around you can feel that depressing aura you’re emitting. That’s enough to know you aren’t your normal self.” He looked around, staring at the crowd that was beginning to silently watch us before they averted their eyes nervously.

“How would you know what my normal self is?” I asked, a playful smile sliding onto my face.

The werewolf smirked and leaned forward, his face inches from mine, allowing me to smell the booze on his breath. “I’ve seen you before, Asmara,” he purred, pushing me against the bar. “By now, you would have left this place with the first person who approached you. Then, you would’ve come back and done it all over again with someone else. But you’re sitting here by yourself, attempting to drown in liquor.”

My eyes slid over to the pile of empty shot glasses that had accumulated in front of me.  Normally, I would feel the slight buzz from all the alcohol; instead I felt nothing. It was as if my body had almost gone numb -- even without whatever the man had put in my drink.

I looked up at him, feeling a smile spread my lips.  “So are you going to take me home with you or keep lecturing me on my sex life?”

The werewolf smirked and wrapped one of his large arms around my waist, pulling me out of my seat. Without saying anything, he teleported us to a large, almost empty house and grabbed my wrist, leading me down the cold stony halls. We passed a couple of imps, who cringed away from us, their bodies beaten black and blue.

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