Chapter Eighteen

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Damien’s imp was the one to answer the door this time, a frown etching his features when he saw us. I couldn’t quite remember what his name was -- Talumi or something -- but he’d told us he’d been learning to read when Adiel asked how he was doing.  

“Benji is out in the stables,” the imp said, moving to show us the way, but I stopped him.

“It’s fine, I know where it is,” I said, brushing past him and gesturing for Adiel to follow me, walking out of the house and across the rose-filled gardens. Adiel paused to look at some of them, a slightly guilty expression crossing his face. I called out to him. “Are you gonna stare at flowers all day or come and meet our brother?”

Adiel jumped and followed me to the stables, heaving the door further open for us to go inside. The stable was a quaint wooden structure with concrete floors littered with hay. The occasional whinny and clap of a hoof echoed through the building as the horses watched us enter. Benji stood in front of one of the stalls, smiling as he held a handful of sugar cubes to one of the horses. He noticed us right away.

“Adiel!” he cried happily, lunging into his brother’s arms. I scoffed jokingly and crossed my arms.

“Oh, Mari!” I mimicked. “It’s so nice to see you after all this time! I love it when you and your sexy self comes to visit!”

Benji chuckled and turned to hug me as well, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. “It’s good to see you again, Asmara.”

I smiled and patted his bouncy curls. “I think we’ve known each other long enough for you to start calling me ‘Mari’,” I told him. Benji nodded and pulled away, reaching to grab his brother’s hand and dragging Adiel to the horse he had been feeding.

“There’s someone I want you to meet,” he said, stopping in front of the stall. “This is Adidi. I named him after you. He was born here from one of the horses I’d made friends with, and Damien said he can be my horse.”

I peered into the stall to look at the horse. It was large with big brown eyes and a chocolate brown coat, and the more I looked at it, the more it reminded me of Adiel. I slowly held my hand out, letting it sniff me, before withdrawing quickly as the horse tried to bite me. “Wow,” I remarked, glancing over at Adiel. “He really is just like you.”

Adiel rolled his eyes and gently held his hand out, smiling triumphantly when Adidi rubbed its face against his hand.

While Adiel was busy running the edge of his finger curiously over the velvety softness of the horse’s nose, I turned to Benji, leaning against the wooden stall frame as a slight smirk stretched my lips. “So, last time I spoke to Day he’d said you’d gotten a little more ‘assertive’ in the bedroom. How’s that going for you?”

Benji’s face flushed red and he pursed his lips. “It’s okay, I guess. I only get the chance when we’re actually doing something, though.”

“Need any pointers?” I asked, making him smile.

“Your advice is always appreciated, Mari,” he said, watching me as I folded my arms in thought. “If it’s any help, he’s kind of sensitive around the hips...” he trailed off, looking up at the ceiling. “And I’m pretty sure he likes it when I bite his shoulder when we... you know...”

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