Chapter Thirteen

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Maids rushed past me without throwing me a second glance before I caught one of them by the arm. She froze, looking up at me in terror. “You weren’t supposed to be back until Saturday,” she stammered, looking over her shoulder.

“What’s going on?” I asked, letting her go and eyeing some of the other staff.

“It’s not my fault,” she said quickly, before running off towards the servant’s quarters.

My eyes narrowed and I waved my hand to dress myself in a light purple fluffy bath robe before walking after her. My body ached for rest, but I had to know what was going on. Was it something to do with Adiel?

As I entered the staff kitchen, the four girls sitting around the rustic wooden table froze, whilst Lily, the girl I’d grabbed earlier, slowly turned to glance up at me apologetically.

“I leave you guys alone for four days,” I growled. “And something drastic happens. What the fuck is going on?”

The five succubi looked at each other nervously, before Violet flicked her black hair over her shoulder and spoke up. “Daisy made a cambion.”

The others glowered at her -- one of them mumbling how Daisy was supposed to be the one to tell me -- and I felt my gaze turn into a glare as a heavy ache began to spread through my head. “Tell me everything that happened.”

“Sir,” Rose murmured, sweeping her wavy red hair out of her face as she stood up. “You should rest before you decide on how to deal with the situation. You look exhausted.”

“I said tell me what happened!”

The maids flinched at the loudness of my voice and looked at each other again. Rose was the first to stare back at me. “About half of us went to celebrate the Spring Equinox in the mortal realm a little under twenty years ago. We hadn’t really noticed at the time, but Daisy was in heat and she disappeared. We’d assumed she’d gone back to the hotel we were staying in, but she was off finding prey instead.”

Violet chuckled. “Of all people to do something like that, you’d never expect it to be sweet little Daisy, would you?”

“So,” I clipped. “She gets a human pregnant. That doesn’t explain why you’re all so flustered.”

Silence filled the room; finally, Heather, who had remained quiet along with the younger maid, Poppy, spoke. “Her daughter found her way here, and Daisy agreed to let her stay until she could organize somewhere else for her to stay.”

“And we weren’t exactly expecting you home so early,” Violet added. “We had hoped to get her out before you’d even notice.”

“Where is Daisy?” I asked, rubbing the bridge of my nose when I saw the guilt flash through their eyes.

“Gehenna,” Violet coughed, smiling uncomfortably up at me.

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