Chapter One

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A soft sigh escaped my lips and my eyes fluttered open, glancing around the room before finally noticing the large hand that was slowly sliding up my bare chest. I rolled over, watching the tired smile of the stranger beside me as he wrapped his arms around me.

“You’re leaving already?” he asked quietly.

“Everyone else is asleep,” I murmured, peering over his shoulder at the woman on the other side of the bed. Another couple were passed out on the end of the bed and a dozen more people were sprawled out on the floor.

And this was only one of the rooms in the house.

“I’m not,” the man whispered, pulling me closer to him. Even if he insisted he was still awake, his eyes were dull with exhaustion and his eyelids were growing heavier by the second.

“If you rest now, you can screw the next person that wakes up,” I promised, kissing his lips before pushing myself up off the bed.

He grabbed my hand lightly, exhaling tiredly. “I’ve been coming here for almost twenty years just to see you,” he admitted, making me coo at the adorable confession.

“Dream come true, then; right?” I asked, pulling my long honey-blond hair back and pinning it up with a light pink hair clip before waving my hand to dress myself in some tight black leather pants and a loose pink off-the-shoulder t-shirt along with my favourite pair of black lace-up boots.

The man groaned and tried to prop himself up against the pillows, his shaggy black hair falling in his face. “Don’t you normally stay for longer at these things?” he asked, stretching his arms over his head.

I shrugged and nodded. “Normally, yeah, I do,” I said as I weaved through the sleeping bodies on the ground. “But that was before I had a pet to take care of.”

A moment of silence passed before the stranger blinked in realisation. “Oh, so you’re into that kind of thing, huh?” he grinned.

“I’m into all kinds of things,” I corrected, opening the door as quietly as I could and stepping out into the hallway.

It wasn’t exactly rare for me to be waking up in a stranger’s bed, and, truth be told, the pet I was referring to wasn’t the S/M type the man had been thinking it was. Sure, Adiel wasn’t a cute fluffy animal I’d picked up from the store, but at the same time I wasn’t tying him up and fúcking him every night.

I wish.

As I passed the numerous bedrooms all filled with unconscious participants, I thought about just teleporting out of the large house and returning to my own – but that would be boring. I wanted to see the damage. Reaching the ballroom-sized front entrance forced a smirk onto my face. Hundreds of naked bodies – all intertwined with each other – were sprawled out on the cold tiled floor. Men held women, women held other women, and men held men; all in the draining aftermath of my favourite festival of the year.

The Spring Equinox was considered to be a time of fertility and rebirth, and in Luxuria we celebrated it with massive celebrations followed by night-long orgies that I always to the liberty of participating in. Every part of Hell had its own festivals like this. The entire city of Acedia goes into hibernation around the time of the Winter Solstice, and the Harvest Moon festival in Gula goes for almost an entire month.

I quickly teleported back to my mansion and breathed in the comforting scent of my home when I arrived in its living room. One of my servants was waiting for me, looking as gorgeous as they all did; a worried expression on her face.

“Sir,” she began, flinching when I quickly cut her off.

“Honestly,” I groaned. “How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that? Really, you know I like being called ‘Mari’ or even ‘Asmara’. None of this ‘sir’ business unless we’re playing that way.”

A smirk crossed her features and she nodded. “One of Lucifer’s servants is here to see you.”

I pursed my lips and nodded, following her out to one of the balconies that overlooked the flowering gardens where a small faerie was waiting with a cup of hot chocolate held firmly in his hands. As he turned to look up at me, I cringed at the large purple bruise surrounding one of his pretty green eyes.

“Oh, sweetie, what happened?” I asked softly, rushing forwards and cupping his face, tilting his head up to survey the damage. The faerie blushed and gasped, pulling away and sipping desperately at his sweet drink.

He was new.

I smiled and sat across from him, resting my elbows on the table and my chin on my hands. “So, what does Lulu want with me?” I asked suddenly, making the small boy choke on his hot chocolate in surprise. “Sorry, finish your drink.”

“No, I’m sorry,” he mumbled, putting his mug on the table. “Um, my lord wants you to come and visit tomorrow.”

“Is that it?” I asked, confused as to why he’d send someone to remind me when I would go and see him later in the week anyway.

“He said he wants you to bring your angel? I wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that.” The faerie looked down at his lap and picked the mug up again, this time sipping carefully at his drink.

“Don’t worry, I know what he means,” I assured him, standing up. “Stay for as long as you like. If you want another one you can ask one of the girls.”

He nodded and watched as I made my way back into the house. So Lulu wanted to meet Adiel. He’d been with him when they first arrived, but they probably hadn’t talked. Knowing Adiel, the angel would’ve stayed as far away from him as possible. And now I had to force the two to meet.

Well shít.

The longer Adiel stayed in Hell, the less calm and thoughtful he became. Though his new temper was admittedly kind of cute, a feeling in the pit of my stomach told me that he was probably going to say something to offend Lucifer. When it came to temper tantrums, there was no way that Lulu could be beaten.

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