Chapter Sixteen

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I returned to my home half a day later than I’d planned, arriving in only my tattered shirt, much to the horror of my staff. As I brushed past the group of succubi trying to help me up the stairs, I felt my legs quiver, forcing me to grip the banister for support. Though my body had healed itself, the drugs in my system and the pain in my muscles hadn’t quite subsided, and I was weak.

Muscular arms gently wrapped around my waist and I felt my body being lifted off the ground. I looked up to see Rose’s male form as he smiled softly down at me. “I’ll take you to your room, sir,” he said, making his way up the stairs and heading towards my bedroom. “Please rest properly this time.”

I nodded tiredly and leaned my head on his shoulder, waiting for the incubus to set me down on the bed. “Where are my imps?” I asked, having the sudden urge to see if they were okay. As if they’d been listening in, Peach and Rebel appeared in the doorway.

Peach ran forward and hopped onto the bed, snuggling against my side. I grunted slightly, making the little pink imp pull back in worry.

“I’ll leave you here for now,” Rose said after shifting back into her female form. “One of the others will bring some food up for you in an hour or so.” She quietly left the room and closed the door, leaving the rest of us in comfortable silence; until Rebel spoke up.

“Is that blood on your leg?” he asked, making me look down and sigh. Even if I was completely fine internally, my body’s natural instinct to regenerate didn’t go as far as magically cleaning itself.

“What happened to Master?” Peach asked, kneeling beside me.

I shook my head and gently patted his hair. “It’s nothing,” I assured him, though the look on their faces told me that both of them knew I was lying. My hand dropped to my side and I lay back against the pillow, letting Peach lie next to me and press himself against my side.

Rebel didn’t move. “What really happened?” he asked seriously, making me look up at him.  

“Ever do something you’re not proud of, then try to distract yourself by doing something you’ll later regret?” I asked, making the imp shake his head slowly. Figures. “Most people, if they have a bad day or something, will probably go drink themselves stupid in order to forget about it. Do you understand that?”

He glared at me, but nodded anyway.

“That’s what I did,” I finished, looking away when both imps stared at me sceptically.

“Master?” Peach said, looking up at me. “Please tell the truth.”

“Even if we wanted to tell someone,” Rebel said, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s not like anyone would listen or anything. Think of it as though we’re sworn to secrecy, and tell us everything.”

I frowned for a moment, considering whether or not I should even tell them anything. Screw it. I needed someone to vent to, and Peach and Rebel were probably my best option. My arms folded over my chest as I thought over how I would start.

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