Chapter Eight

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Even though spent almost an entire week messing with Adiel, I still had my duties to Lucifer. Not bothering to knock or make my presence known, I teleported into his bedroom, wearing only a pair of white jeans. A few moments later, Lucifer walked in, surprise fluttering through his features when he noticed me lounging on his pillows, before a small smile tugged at his lips and he closed the door.

“You seem refreshed,” he observed after giving me a once-over. “Who’d you screw to look like that?”

I gave him a bashful grin, though the smile fell when he turned away. I hadn’t had sex with anyone since that succubus after Adiel. Granted, I had fed off a small bit of the energy created between Damien and Benji, but it shouldn’t have been enough to make me seem any different. “Maybe you’re just imagining things,” I murmured.

Lulu smiled and joined me on the bed. “No, there’s something different about you. Who was the last person you were with?”

“One of my maids,” I told him, making him roll his eyes. “Do you think I’m lying?”

“What about before that?” he asked, ignoring my question. I went silent. Last time I had mentioned Adiel, it had resulted in both personalities attacking me. “Tell me,” Lucifer added after he saw my expression fall.

I paused. “I -- uh -- told Adiel that he could visit Benji if we could fuck.”

The man watched me, his eyes flashing red for a quick moment before returning to their normal blue. “Charming,” he murmured, leaning back on his hands. “And I’m assuming he went through with it?”

“He was amazing, Lulu,” I gushed. “I mean, you’re great too; but you’ve had practice. For a virgin, he--”

“What makes you think he’s a virgin?” Lucifer interrupted, making me stop.

Pursing my lips, I blinked in confusion a couple of times. “He didn’t know what to do...”

“That may be so, but you’re a man. Just because he hasn’t screwed a man, it doesn’t mean he’s not a virgin.” I looked down at my lap in thought. He could be right, but I just couldn’t picture my little innocent Adiel ever doing anything like that. “Do you like him?”


“Do you like him?” he repeated.

As Lucifer’s stare grew more intense, I looked away. “I guess I do,” I mumbled. “If I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t have tried so hard to get him into bed.”

I could hear him shift on the mattress, moving closer to me. “Even though he doesn’t like you back?” I shrugged, still refusing to look up at him. “He won’t treat you like we do.”

My eyes quickly shot up, meeting blood red orbs that stared back at me. S looked down, his hair falling in his face as his hands clenched into fists. “Wait,” I said placing my hand on his shoulder. “Don’t repress him. It’s what I’m here for.”

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