Chapter Four

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Saturday night came, and I arrived outside Lucifer’s bedroom, wearing a pair of loose blue jeans that hung off my hips and a tight white t-shirt. After knocking lightly on the door, it opened to reveal Lulu, who looked a little surprised. His wavy hair was slightly messy as it cascaded down his shoulders, and his  black shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his muscly, lean chest.

“You’re early,” he murmured, letting me in.

I nodded. “I had something I wanted to ask you.”

The pride demon blinked before closing the door behind him, watching me curiously. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly.

As he moved closer to me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to place an innocent kiss on his lips, resting my head on his shoulder and letting my hot breath flutter against his neck. “Do my powers work on you?”

The unmistakable bulge that was forming in his pants answered my question for him, but he whispered a light ‘yes’, regardless. Lucifer brushed his finger through my hair comfortingly and held me a little closer. “What’s this about?”

“I’ve been trying to get closer to him, but he just resists, you know. I thought that maybe my powers didn’t work on angels. There goes that theory.” The man in front of me pulled away slightly, staring down at me.

“I’m not an angel anymore,” he told me, holding my arms and unhooking them from around his neck. “I lost that title years ago, remember? It was the same time I became one of you; the time my little ‘problem’ was triggered.”

I shook my head. “Something as perfect as you doesn’t deserve the title of anything else other than ‘angel’,” I said, watching he he practically glowed at the compliment.

Chuckling, Lulu hugged me, guiding me to the bed and placing me down on it before crawling on top of me and kissing my forehead. He gently slid his hand up my shirt, taking advantage of the little time before S would come out; but my mind was still focused on Adiel.

“I just don’t get it,” I mumbled. “Am I doing something wrong? Am I getting weak?”

A sigh escaped Lucifer’s lips. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk about other men while we’re doing this,” he said, his eyes flashing dangerously.

I nodded and bit my lip. “It’s just bothering me. I mean, I really want to get some sort of reaction out of him, and for some reason it’s just not working.”

As I finished my sentence, Lulu growled and pinned my arms over my head, his red eyes glaring down at me, making me squeak in fear. “Do you think about him every time we fuck?” he asked, his grip on my wrists tightening.

“Of course not,” I whined, struggling against him to no avail. Now they were both mad at me, which only made things worse.

“Liar,” he whispered, his eyes flashing blue for a second before he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my clothes off, leaving the tattered remains on the mattress without batting an eye. I flinched as he pulled my body towards him with a rough grab of my hips and slowly wrapped his hands around my neck, smiling at the look of panic that must have crossed my face.

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