Chapter Three

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Adiel brushed passed me without so much as a glance, walking out to the flower gardens behind the house. I decided to follow him, because I honestly had nothing better to do than watch the angel in his daily routine of soaking up the sunlight. Wandering through the mazes of brilliantly coloured flowers, he came to a stop to admire the irises that were beginning to blossom.

“They’re the sexual organs of plants, you know,” I whispered in his ear, smiling gleefully as he shrunk away from me uncomfortably.

“Why are you here?” he sneered, taking a step away from me.

“Do I need a reason to talk to my angel?” I asked, a cheeky smile forming on my face.

“You mean your prisoner,” Adiel said as he turned and walked away from me. The sudden thought of him tied up in one of my private cells flashed through my mind, but I quickly shook the image away. He’d never agree to anything like that. I had to try the classy approach.

“Hey,” I called, rushing to catch up to him. “What’s your favourite food?”

He stopped, shooting a glare at me. “My brother’s cooking,” he answered shortly before turning around to head back inside. I frowned. Well, we wouldn’t be having that for dinner. Although Benji might have shown some of the staff how to make a few dishes.

After standing dumbly in the garden, I made my way back into the house and down to the kitchens. The demons were bustling around the room, preparing ingredients for the evening meal and stopping when they saw me in the doorway.

“Did Benji ever teach any of you to make certain foods?” I asked, leaning against one of the benches. The four succubi looked at each other before smiling at me.

“There was one dish,” the brunette, Rose, said as she looked at the others.

The petite blond one, Lily, perked up. “The chicken and noodle soup! He said he used to make it for his brother after long shifts.”

I smiled and hugged the nearest one to me, kissing her cheek. “That’s perfect,” I told them. “Can you make it?” The girls all nodded before getting straight to work preparing the chicken and vegetables. I stayed and watched until they were finished, personally bringing the food up to Adiel’s room and knocking on the door.

Adiel opened the door and frowned at me, ready to slam the door in my face. “Is that for me?” he asked, opening the door a little wider when I nodded to let me in.

“I -- uh -- had your favourite food made,”  I said, though it sounded more like a question.

The angel peered into the bowl and frowned. “It’s poisoned, isn’t it? You’ve laced it with some sort of drug.”

I stared at him blankly before looking at the soup. “Actually, I didn’t,” I admitted, looking up at him. “It might have been a good idea, though; considering how insufferable you’ve been acting lately.”

Adiel glared at me. “You eat some of it first,” he ordered , making me roll my eyes and grab the spoon I’d brought with me, scooping the food into my mouth and moaning at the taste.

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