Chapter Six

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A few weeks had passed since I’d bought the three imps home, and I’d barely seen Adiel since. As far as I was concerned, the imps had settle in quickly, and often spent time with each other in my brilliantly designed gardens; but my little angel was even more antisocial than before. He hadn’t spoken a word to me since I’d given Cassy to him, but that was all about to change.

Rebel had inspired me to try something with Adiel that I’d never thought of before. I wasn’t quite sure whether it would be called bribery or blackmail, but however he saw it, he was going to have the option to visit Benji.

I smiled to myself as I knocked on the door to his bedroom, feeling it brighten as Adiel opened the door for me, glaring down at me in disdain.

“Can I come in?” I asked, entering cautiously as he reluctantly opened the door a little wider. “How do you like your imp?” I asked once Adiel had closed the door behind me.

“He doesn’t speak, but he seems nice -- a lot better than you, at least.” Adiel shrugged and took a seat across the room from his bed, keeping as far away from me as possible.

“He doesn’t speak?” I repeated, grimacing at the mattress. There was a high chance that he’d had one of those muting curses placed on him, which would explain why Rebel was always looking after him, defending his little brother who couldn’t say ‘no’.

The two of us were silent as I let my own thoughts wander before Adiel cleared his throat, snapping me out of my daze. “Why are you here?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest and letting his large white wings twitch in agitation.

I blinked at him, playing with a lock of my hair, twirling it in my fingers. “I had a proposition for you,” I said slowly, standing up and sashaying towards him.

Adiel grew rigid, staring at me as I brought my face inches away from his. “Knowing you, my answer’s going to be ‘no’,” he growled, taking a few steps back.

“Maybe so, but I’m sure Benji misses you an awful lot; and, if he was my brother, I would jump at the chance to go visit.” I turned away nonchalantly and headed for the door. “But, if you’re so insistent, I’m going to go shopping for some cute clothes for the imps.”

As soon as my hand touched the doorknob, Adiel grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. A sly smile slid onto my face as I turned to face him again. “What do you want?” he murmured, waiting until I moved away from the door to let go of my arm.

“That’s pretty easy to guess, right? Do you really want me to say it?” As I spoke, Adiel cringed and shook his head, staring at the ground for what seemed like ages before he finally looked back up at me.

“Fine,” he sneered, making his way over to the bed and flopping onto it, as though he were a child throwing a temper tantrum.

I flashed him a calm smile and sat next to him, brushing his long brown hair out of his face with my fingers. “I’ll even leave it up to you for the timing. You get an hour with your brother for each round, okay?”

Maybe I was pushing it, but Adiel nodded in agreement, making me sigh happily at how easily he could be manipulated if I used the right motives. An awkward silence passed through the room until I decide to take action, kneeling in front of him and wrapping my arms around his neck, placing my lips on his.

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