Chapter Ten

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Out of all the people, Leviathan was one of the least likely to reject me because he liked someone else. The man wanted almost everything -- or at least, everything that other people had -- and that included people. He seemed to take an interest in whatever others had to show off, as well as if he could get one. Some people say that it’s a compliment when someone tries to copy you, but Levi took it to a whole new level.

That said, even though the rest of us had European-styled houses, he owned a large estate themed around Japanese culture. He and his staff tended to all wear traditional kimonos and follow traditional customs.

My bare feet padded along the wooden walkway as I followed the shapeshifter maid, letting my eyes wander at the inner garden, which contained a natural water feature and a large statue of the isonade, a large shark in Japanese mythology.

The shifter in front of me stopped at one of the sliding paper doors and knelt down, gently sliding it open before bowing deeply. I smiled and stepped inside, letting her close the door behind me.

Levi looked up at me, his long strawberry blond hair falling in his green eyes as his smiled and patted the spot next to me, signalling for me to sit beside him. “I got the letter,” he smiled, gesturing to an opened envelope; Lucifer’s seal of a rearing horse broken to reach its contents. “I was expecting you a little earlier than this.”

“I’ve just spent some time with Belle,” I murmured, tracing my finger along the ridges in the wax.

The envy demon’s eyes darkened. “You’ve just been with Belphegor?” he repeated quietly, making me bite my lip nervously.

“We didn’t do anything,” I told him, but he gave me a skeptical look. “No, really. He told me that he’d be fine if I managed to hook his manservant and him up.”

“That butler?” Levi grinned. “That’s kind of unexpected.”

“I know! But I’ve seen weirder. One of Damien’s death gods is dating an imp.”

“I meant the fact the Belphegor would be going out with anyone is unexpected. Tell me more about this god-imp relationship, though. Sounds interesting.” He stood up, opening the door and beckoning for me to follow him. “Tell me as we go back to my room.”

I smiled as I walked beside him. “Remember that angel? Benji?” I waited for him to nod before I continued. “Well, since he was Damien’s little pet or whatever, things got a bit stressful back in Limbo and Anubis was sent to get him back.”

Levi glanced at me from the corner of his eye. “Anubis?” he asked in disbelief. “The Egyptian god?”

“Yeah! And not only does he bring Benji’s brother, but this little blue imp they’d picked up at one of those creepy street stalls.” I laughed a little to myself. “Plus, Lulu also decided to show up.”

We reached Leviathan’s room and went inside, flopping down on the futon that took up the majority of the minimalist room. “Keep going,” he urged, a smile spreading onto his face. “This sounds interesting.”

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