Chapter Twenty Two (Final)

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It had been a couple of weeks since Adiel and I had reconciled. The two of us now slept together in my bed and Adiel could go see Benji whenever he wanted. All he had to do was ask. That being said, I was pretty sure that Lucifer had briefed him on what I needed to stay powerful. Even though he didn't need to, Adiel didn't seem to mind when I came onto him.

He also seemed fairly passive at the idea of the Spring Equinox, but I knew it bothered him; he was just too nice to say so. He had probably also been told about my need for variety in my partners, but we would cross that bridge when we get there.

The two of us were lying on the bed, my head resting on Adiel's arm as he slept. He still refused to show his wings again, and that bothered me.

I gently played with the hem of his much-loved grey sweater, smiling when he pulled me closer in his sleep. My hands gently travelled up under his top and ran along the smooth, muscular flesh of his back. The only way I could make sure he was okay were by the inky lines that indicated where his wings were hidden. I had memorised them, and my fingers traced along the tattoo; which, unlike mine, showed a mere outline rather than a black silhouette, meaning they were still the beautiful white wings he'd always had.

Adiel's eyes blinked open and he smiled at me tiredly, pulling me closer and kissing my forehead. I grinned and rolled him over, lying on top of him with my stomach pressed against his, and roughly kissed his lips. Adiel huffed as we pulled apart, and watched me as I hopped off the bed. I gently took his hand and pulled him up, dragging him towards my closet and kissing him again.

"Hey," I murmured against his lips. "How about we do something a little more fun today?"

I could feel him tense under my hold and I kissed his cheek reassuringly.

"Don't worry," I chuckled. "it's nothing too weird; I promise." I guided him into the closet and led him to a small set of doors, pulling them open and sifting through the racks of clothing.

Adiel gulped as I pulled a hanger out for him to inspect. "What's this for?" He asked, confused.

"It's a French maid costume," I grinned, fingering the silky black fabric. "I'm told I look cute in dresses, but you can always wear it if you want." Adiel tensed further, making me laugh. "As for what it's for, doesn't every man want a little maid to do whatever he wants?"

He slowly shook his head, watching me intensely as I hung the frilly costume back up. He jumped a little when I quickly pulled out a few more items of clothing.

"How about a sexy nurse?"

Adiel shook his head.

"Sexy police officer?"


"Cat ears and tail?"






"Look, you're not really being helpful here," I grunted, hanging everything back up again. "You pick one, then."

Adiel looked at the clothing rack, then back at me, and gently wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. He pressed his nose against my neck, trailing his lips along my collarbone. "I want to see your wings."

I paused, slowly pulling away. "You have seen them," I mumbled, looking down at the floor.

As he took one of my hands, Adiel gently tilted my chin up. making me look at him. "I've seen tattoos," he corrected, raking his fingertips along my bare back. "And I've seen images that you've conjured up yourself."

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