Chapter Nine

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Belphegor was the one who, out of all of us, had the smallest house; albeit the most staff. Though it was still technically a mansion, the country house seemed quaint and quiet as the gardeners tended to the minimal landscaping of the home.

His personal assistant -- or personal paid slave -- led me through the house. “I did tell him you’d be coming, but I’m honestly not sure if he even listened, let alone remembered.”

“Why am I not surprised?” I smiled, following the man up the stairs until we reached the master bedroom. I gently pushed the door open, letting a small stream of light into the darkened room and illuminating the small figure curled up in the bed, surrounded by large pillows and stuffed toys.

“Shall I wake him?” The head servant asked, looking over at me.

I shook my head. “I can handle myself.” I winked at him and closed the door behind myself, walking towards the bed as the demon of ‘sloth’ lay sleeping in his plush bed

He stirred a little as I crawled onto the bed, cracking one light blue eye open when I flopped down beside him.

“Good morning!” I sang, making him flinch and look around.

“What time is it?” he mumbled, lifting his head slightly to look around.

“Four in the afternoon,” I answered, making him groan and roll over to face away from me.

“It’s too early,” he moaned, arching his back in a bone-cracking stretch. “Why are you here?” He suddenly asked, sitting up.

I chuckled quietly at the mousy brown locks that had become a disheveled mess of bed-hair, before grabbing his wrist and pulling down on top of me. “Lulu got a little mad at me and has now sent me to do rounds. You were first.”

Belphegor rolled his eyes. “Don’t you think that maybe the reason he gets mad at you is because you keep calling him ‘Lulu’?”

“You don’t mind it when I call you ‘Belle’,” I pointed out. “Besides, it’s not for that reason.”

“Then what happened?”

I cringed a little as the hope that he wouldn’t ask diminished. “I kind of mentioned the idea of cutting back on my visits,” I admitted sheepishly, tugging at the strands of the old blue oversized sweater he wore.

Belle flopped back against the pillows in the most dramatic way he could muster -- which was really more of a fall, a grunt and a sigh. “What the hell made you do that? What were you expecting to happen?” He looked up at me. “Which one did you ask?”

The look that crossed my face answered his question, making it obvious that I had angered the personality that was easier to anger. Belphegor rolled his eyes.

“Why do you do this to yourself, Mari?” he asked, genuine concern in his voice.

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