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Yoongi's POV~

When I opened my eyes again I was laying on a bed with the handsome stranger hovering over me.

I was staring at the ceiling but my sole attention was his lips on my neck.

Each kiss hit me like a wave of electricity, running through my body. Shooting straight down to my dick.

I clutched the back of his suit jacket. His hands roaming wild.

"You're so hot..." his husky breath whispered in my ear. He leaned back and we made eye contact.

It was still.

Until he grabbed my shirt and ripped it in two.


"And sexy." He kissed the middle of my chest.

"And beautiful." His kisses traveled lower.

"And mine." He kissed right above my pants.

"May I." He asked, but it came out as more of a statement. His hooded eyes and my drunken state, I nodded profusely.

He grabbed my jeans and ripped them. I gasped as when my underwear soon followed.

"Ah-ah-" I moaned as he took me in his mouth. I grabbed and tugged at his hair. He moaned around me. I threw my head back.

All I could see was white.

White pleasure.


He inserted two fingers into me. It was dry and would've been painful if I wasn't so drunk.

"Y-Yes-s!" I moaned when he hit the right spot.

He pulled away from me, pulling a whine as he did.

"W-What ar—AAAA!" I screamed when he slammed all in at one go. The burning sensation was numbed by the whisky and replaced it with drunken pleasure.

His pace was rough and fast. I was moaning uncontrollably.

He felt so good inside me.

And I let him have me again.

And again, and again, and again.


The bright sun light and the head splitting headache greeted me as I came too. A strong arm was secured around my waste.

As I became more aware I noticed I was the little spoon and the big spoon was still buried deep inside me.

My breath hitched when he moved and it moved. I slowly moved, putting a pillow behind me, I slid away from him. His arm moved to the pillow and his 'mini me' slid out of me.

Once I was on my feet, I looked back to make sure he was still asleep. I now focused on finding clothes. My boxers were MIA, my shirt was ruined, and my pants were ripped from the zipper down the seam clear to the other side.

The only thing that survived was the belt line. I found his briefs and put them on. At this point I couldn't careless.

My ass hurt, my head hurt, and my everything else was sore.

I pulled up my pants, making sure my wallet and phone were still there. I grabbed my phone and silently called Jin. I held the front of my shirt together as I stepped into my worn-out shoes.

I slipped out of the room then spent the next 20 minutes trying to get out of this maze and get a hold of Jin.

"Aw hyung!" I exclaimed. He answered right when I found the front door.

"Where are you Yoongi?" He asked more awake? now.
"Did you not go to the twins party?" I asked walking down the sidewalk. I felt like hot trash walking through this neighborhood in my state.

"Something...came up. I mean I did go, but I left- I mean, I-"

"Right. Sorry. What's up?"
"So like I'm walking around this neighborhood-"
"I'm coming to get you."

I sighed in relief. I didn't hate nothing more than asking for help. Wait, no. I hated this moment more than that.

After wondering through the neighborhood for what felt like hours I finally found my way out.

Not that it was much of an improvement. I wasn't in the rich neighborhood but I was still in a rich neighborhood.

"I hate this place." I growled. I let go of my shirt and it slid down my shoulders and onto the sidewalk. I took a moment to put my shoes on properly.

I kept walking around until Jin found me. Or I found him.

"Oh my god what happened?!" He exclaimed when he got out of the car.

"All kinda of fun things. Look can we just go home?" I asked rubbing my face with my hands.

"I'm hung over and my whole body hurts."

"Did you go to the party yourself?" Jin asked once we were in the car.

"I was with one of the twins. I think Namjoon hyung was there. But I don't really remember." I rubbed my temples as we drove off. We were driving for a while until I noticed where we were going.

"Wait what are we doing here?" I asked looking at the all to familiar house.

"We need to get Namjoon!" Jin said climbing out of his car.

"No! Jin you can't go in there!" I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back to the car.

"It's hyung. And you're being ridiculous! We can't just leave him here!" Seokjin pulled his hand away from me.

"Wait hyung! W- Namjoon?" I asked seeing his running from. He was in worse shape than I was. He was in boxers his other clothes in his arms as he ran/limped out to the car.

"Drive! Now!" He screamed as he jumped in the back seat. Jin hopped into the car and started it up. Right as he started to back up two figures started to run out of the building.

"Floor it!" Namjoon and I screeched. Jin floored it and the car lurched foreward.

Once we were a few blocks away Jin asked the million dollar question.

"Who were those guys?" Jin spoke out of breath.

"The people we slept with." I rubbed my temples.


I'm back!!

I hope you liked this chapter!


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