Burn Baby Burn

469 20 3

Yoongi's POV~

I rinsed Jimin's bloodied hands off in the skink. I lowered his face down and gently washed the dried blood. I pulled away from him when there was a knock at the door.

When I opened the door I felt calmer seeing my hyung. He invited himself in, walking around me, and through the house.

"What's wrong? What was so important th- oh." He froze seeing the dead body. Jimin looked up from his spot at the sink. His eyes were dull and his expression somewhere between empty and pained.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked crossing his arms.

"Long story short the bastard died and we need to do something." I answered.

"Let me think." Namjoon said leaving the room. I walked back to Jimin and tired to get any kind of rise out of him. He just stood there blankly.

"I have an idea." Namjoon said walking back into the kitchen.

"Help me take him back to his chair." Namjoon grabbed his shoulders, Jimin and I grabbed a leg. We carried his fat ass to his condemned chair. We flopped his corpse without much care.

Namjoon grabbed one of the many whiskey bottles on the ground and started to poor it all over him. I picked one up and started to do the same.

"Is the stove gas?" Namjoon asked looking up from where he was spreading out other flammables. Jimin gave a small nod. Namjoon's smile creeped me out more than Jimin's silence.

Namjoon walked into the kitchen and started to throw more things into the pot.

"Gas fire with make it look more like an accident." He answered the question on my tongue.

We made sure to make a real mess of the place. Of course after we dawned print covers.

"To the fire escape." Namjoon said making a trail of booze. We were standing outside, hidden by the shadows of the ally way. Namjoon pulled out a packet of matches and lit them all.

He stared at the fire in his hands and took a deep breath. I felt my heart race as it finally set in what we were about to do.

The moment the matches left his hand everything slowed down. The matches seemed to almost float before they splashed into a puddle erupting in a vigorous flame.

We turn and ran. We ran until the streets became busy. We took a few lefts and rights and ended up in a rich neighborhood.

We came to a cross walk and stopped. Taking the chance to catch our breath.

"I - I think - we're- far eno- gh." I whizzed between breaths. Maybe I shouldn't smoke as much.

The other boys nodded.

It was quite for the city. Cars were driving by and the crowds were small as it was getting darker.

We waited for the crosswalk to give us the green when the ground shook. Ringing from distant car alarms rang through the air. Along with the immediate sound of sirens.

We all shared a glance and like frightened horses we bolted.

We made it down the block before we made it to another red crosswalk.

Disregarding the sign and the danger we ran into traffic. Namjoon lead and made it across. Jimin not far behind him.

I felt my heart stop as a car came skidding to a stop almost taking Jimin out. But we kept moving. Jimin easily dodged the fancy car's bumper. I sped up and slid across the hood like they do in old cop movies.

I looked through the glass at the shocked faces. I smirked and winked feeling cheeky for some reason. Does adrenaline make you cheeky?

We ran an additional 5 blocks until we came to another stop.

"I hate running." Namjoon groaned resting his hands on his knees.

"Y-you hate r-running!" Jimin gasped. If he wasn't beat red tired I'd say he was annoyed.

"I didn't think the ¡BOOM! would be that big." I said once I got my breath back.

"Me either." Namjoon sighed standing to his full height.

"I thought the apparent would only explode not the whole-"

He was interrupted by another large BOOM.

"What the hell as that?" Jimin screeched. He jumped a mile high and turned back to look where the sound came from.

"After shock maybe?" I asked.

"Isn't that only with earthquakes?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed. I turned and looked expectantly at Namjoon.

"What do you mean what?! You're supposed to be the smart one!" I yelled and smacked his shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry I never blew up a building before! I'm a little inexperienced." He yelled back.

"Guys chill!" Jimin snapped.

"You're drawing attention." Jimin said looking at the few others walking the streets. Namjoon grabbed his hood and pulled it over his head. We followed suit and we started to walk again.

"What're we gonna do?" Jimin asked after a log silence.

"Jimin you can come and stay with me. My mom won't care." Namjoon said throwing his arm around Jimin.

"Are we going to tell hyung?" I asked falling into step with them.

"No. He'd lose his mind if we told him." Namjoon answered.

"I love Jinnie hyung but he'd look at me differently." Jimin sighed hugging himself.

Our feet guided us around the city that night. After walking for hours we made it to Namjoon's house.

We went up the stairs and into the apartment. The sounds of pleasure made us rush to his room.

"I'm sorry about that." Namjoon blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Trust me this is better than where I was. Thank you hyung!" Jimin almost cried and hugged Joon. We all collapsed on Joonies small bed and passed out.

Thank God it was Friday.

We felt comfortable in each other's company. Due to our exhausted states we didn't feel the paranoia that sets in after doing something so wrong.

We didn't noticed we were followed. And we didn't know the world we just accidentally walked into. Or maybe wished into.


Sorry it took so long for an update!!

I was reading a really good OT7 book (in my reading list marked OT7) and it just sucked me in and I didn't update 😅

I hope the wait was worth it..?

Next chapter with be a different POV!!


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