Wish Upon a Candle

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Yoongi's POV~

The walk to school and the walk back to the apartment was quite and lonely. I took the long way to get back, the last thing I wanted to see was them.

But my walk soon came to an end when I was met with the doors that lead up to the apartment. I tried to walk into the apartment but the door was locked.

I knocked on it and my 'mom' answered it.

"What're you doing here?" She gripped. I was a little dumbfounded by her question.

"I have guests so go straight to your room and don't come out." She hissed in a low voice.

I made my way through the apartment and into my room. Crystal following close behind me. When we passed by her guest she came up with a quick excuse.

"He's got a lot of homework, our hard working boy." She smiled and pushed me to move faster. Once we made it to my room she shoved me in. I lost my footing and fell.

She harshly closed the door I could hear her locking it from the other side. I rolled my eyes and picked myself up from the floor.

I made my way over to my bed deciding I would take a nap until it was time to go.


I was waken from my peaceful slumber by the annoying sounds coming from my phone.

I shut off my alarm and rolled out of bed. Literally rolled right onto the floor. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up.

I put my shoes and hoodie back on. I grabbed my phone then went to the window. I opened it and slipped out quite easily. My small frame making tight spaces easy.

I casually walked down the stairs to the alleyway beside the apartment building. I walked through town and into the slumps. As I was walking to our building I couldn't help but notice the three sleek black cars sitting across the street from our building.

I shrugged my shoulders and went into the alley and up the stairs. The alleys seemed darker. It felt colder to walking in them. As I climbed the stairs, I rubbed my hands over my arms trying to rid myself of the shivers.

When I made it to the window I opened the plywood cover and peaked my head in. I didn't see any light.

"Guys." I called out to see if they were here yet.


I looked up and barely made out the blonde hair of my friend. I climbed the rest of the way up to the roof.

The blanket of darkness seemed to engulf us. Namjoon turned on a lantern that gave everyone who sat around it a soft glow.

I sat at the corner of the building. Leaning back would send me over the edge. I looked over the side of the building and saw nothing. It was pitch black almost as if it was an empty obis.

"Happy Birthday Yoongi!" Seokjin exclaimed. I offered a small smile. I never really celebrated my birthday, I always despised the day I was born. But Seokjin hyung thought birthdays were important so we let him have his moments.

He turned around a pulled out a fat cupcake with a single candle on it. He pulled out a lighter and lit the candle.

He gave me the cupcake then sat back down by Namjoon.

"Thank you hyung." I smiled.

"Make a wish!" He clapped in an excited manor. He may be older than all of us but sometimes he's the biggest child.

I closed my eyes really hard to feed his antics. But I did make a wish. It was something I always wanted. Something I've always longed for. It was something I wanted above everything else.

When I opened sad eyes I softly blew out the flickering flame. I pulled the candle out and sat it on the ledge beside me.

I took a bite and moaned at the taste. I then passed it to Jimin.

"No hyung. It's your birthday." He said holding up his hands.

"If any of you don't take I bite I'll push you over the side." I deadpanned. Jimin took the cupcake and bit into it. He hummed and passed it to Seokjin.

The cupcake made its rounds until there was no more.

"Hey Yoongs can I have a smoke?" Jimin asked pulling his jacket tighter to his body.

I pulled out my box of cigarettes and pulled him a stick. I handed it to him. I offered the others one but they declined.

I lit the candle again and passed it to Jimin. He started his then passed the candle back. I lit my cig and took a deep breath.

I shook the candle a few times to put the fire out. It made and angry noise but didn't go out. So I flicked it into the black obis behind me.

3rd Person POV~

The candle fell through the darkness. Producing little light from the single flame.

It's small little body hit and bounced off the bars of the fire escape. And it kept falling until it found its home on the ground.

Only it wasn't the ground.

It was the shoulder of the most dangerous man in Korea.

The man turned away from his victim to look at the little stick aflame in his coveted shoulder. He picked it up before it could burn his suit further. He looked at the little candle with quizzical eyes.

Then he looked up.

And smirked when he saw the boy sitting on the ledge.

He felt a spark of curiosity and blew out the flame.


Yoongi is now 18 in the story. And although he does not really celebrate his bday he had fun.

Vote, comment, stay healthy!


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