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Yoongi's POV~



I laid my head in my arms, whining about my sore back and throbbing head. Trying to sate a hangover with more booze does not fix the hangover. Namjoon hyung wasn't in much better state than I was. Jimin and Jin sat in front of us with pitiful looks.

"I don't see why you two drink like that." I looked up and squinted at them. I couldn't really tell which one said it.

"Here." Jin slid a bottle across the table. I picked up the small pill bottle and looked at it.


I opened the bottle and swallowed two. I passed the bottle to Namjoon and he mirrored my actions. Jimin snatched the bottle and examined it.

"Where did you get that?" One of the twins asked. They were standing behind Jimin. Jimin jumped and tried to hide the bottle.

"Get what?" He asked innocent like. Jin swiped the bottle from him and put it back into his backpack.

"You guys went wild. I was quite suprised." V said sitting down at the table. I laughed as I started to feel better.

"That's not what surprised me." I smirked and looked over at Namjoon. He glared at me. He tried to kick me but missed and kicked the leg of the table.

"Do we have to do school today?" I whined.

"Yoongi, there is only like a week until testing." Jimin said.

"I think I'm going to graduate." I yawned.

"Ha! Do you even have all your classes?" Jin laughed. I side glanced over at Namjoon.

"It would be an easy fix." I shrugged, crossing my arms to pout.

"Y'know it doesn't sound like a bad idea." Namjoon said lost in thought.

"It scares me whenever you two start to scheme." Jimin shivered.

There was a moment of silence. Well as close to silence as you can get in a room full of high school students.

"So, Namjoon. How was it?" Jin asked. A smirk present on his features.

"How was what?" He mumbled.

"Bottoming?" Jin asked. He propped himself up with his elbows.

"Who said I bottomed?" He uttered offended.

"Ya, there is no way you topped our hyung." The twins pitched into the small banter. Seokjin lost his shit, his laughter filling the room.

"Fuck you guys." He rolled his eyes.

"Y'know though. I wouldn't mind tapping that twice." I said thinking back to my night of booze and sex.

"That a shocker." Namjoon rolled his eyes again. I punched his shoulder.

"Welcome to the world of bottoms." I said. Moving my hands as if there was a rainbow between them.

"Fuck you! I could top everyone of you!" He yelled, slamming his fists on the table. The whole classroom went quite. Everyone turned and looked at the now blushing Namjoon.

"The fuck you looking at!?" I yelled at all of them. They all quickly turned back around. Namjoon continued to pout.

"I hate you all." He mumbled. We couldn't help but laugh.

School drug on that day. As it does every Monday. I decided not to cut class today, because what Jimin said was true. Testing was just around the corner. And I had no intention to actually fail. I may be 'irresponsible' but I still have decent grades.

I mean we all can't have a brain like Namjoon hyung but I was doing alright. 

After completing all of my work and the bell ringing to set us free, I found myself sitting by the tree.

I was sitting there minding my own business. Mostly waiting for Jin hyung so I could go back to bed. When a body collided with mine.

"Yoongi hyung~" Jimin whined. I glared down at the mochi laying across my lap.

"What?" I barked trying to get his body off of mine.

"I'm bored." He continued to whine.

"Go bug your boyfriends. That's why you have them isn't it?" I asked, giving up on moving him.

"They had to stay back and talk to a teacher."

"Oh my god you've been without them for 5 minutes. What ever will you do?" I asked dramatically.

The rumble of a familiar car stole my attention from the teen-child in my lap. I watched as the man that always picked up the twins climbed out and walked through the school gates.

"Ooo he's hot." Jimin hummed.

"That's who got hyung on his back." I whispered to him as the male walked up to us. He towered over us. I'm sure even if we were standing he would still tower above us.

"Have you two seen the twins?" The man asked. Jimin perked up and grabbed onto his pulling him into his body.

"I know where they are," the male looked annoyed at Jimin's hold on him, "but first tell me about Namjoon."

"I'm sorry who?" Jimin pulled away from the male. By now I was standing on my feet.

"Well he's no fun." Jimin sighed crossing his arms.

"Hey Yoongi!" I looked over to see Namjoon coming out of the schools main doors. He trotted up to is completely ignoring the unnamed mans presence.

"Want to hang out later? Do our thing?" Namjoon asked. His eyes never leaving me. Thing? What thing? His eyes narrowed when it clicked

"That thing! Yes I'm so down!" I laughed. I was going to have to bug Jin hyung for more pills. Especially if I was to survive the thing.

"Perfect. Pick you up at 10." He said walking off. The males eyes followed Namjoon as he walked away, never once saying a word.

"What thing? Can I come?"

"Jimin you always come to our things." I smiled running a hand through his hair. He smiled happily at me before he chased after Namjoon.

After he left I followed, not wanting to stay with the stranger, and went to wait by Jins car. It didn't take him long to get back. But that was good. I had to prepare for the thing.


Hello lovelies!!!

I have not updated this book in forever and it's literally one of my favorites!

[I love all my books for different reasons but this one is by far my favorite]

But I was struggling with what was going to come next but now I've got it refigured so more will be out shortly!!

I hope you enjoy!!

I 💜💜💜 you guys!!!


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