The Morning After

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Yoongi's POV~

The next morning came faster than I wanted it to. Always something disturbing my sleep. I felt oddly comfortable yet a little disturbed by the fact that there was an arm around my waste.

I ran a hand through my hair. A long sigh leaving my lips. I did it again. I slept over at my one night stand.

Grabbing his wrist I went to lift his arm off of me. But before I could get it high enough to slide under it tightened around me in an iron like grip.

"Stay." Hoseoks deep morning voice left a chicer going down my back. His soft breaths tickled the hairs on the back of my neck.

"Look I have to go! I'm late for school." I grabbed his arm to try and wiggle myself out of his hold. He slowly let me go. I stood to my feet and started to go around the room picking up my clothes.

"You're welcome to use the shower." I looked up at him, I was bent over trying to put my briefs on, to see him with his hands behind his head as he watched me. I flushed slightly at the attention.

With my clothes in my hands I made my way into his walk in bathroom. I took a quick shower, I got dressed quicker. This is weird, I've never stayed this long at a one night stand. I don't use their shower. And I never stay the night. I usually leave right after sex.

This is the second time I've slept over after sex.

When I exited the bathroom Hoseok was wearing gray sweat pants that hung low on his hips. Framing his V line perfectly.

I bit my lip as I shamelessly checked him out.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" He smirked at me and raised his eyebrow. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"At least let me feed you breakfast." He offered. Before I could really think his offer over my stomach growled. The obnoxious growl made Hoseok chuckle.

I followed him out of the room with my head down. I followed him out of the bedroom, down the stairs and into a large dinning room. He sat at the head of the extremely long table and point at the chair to his right for me to sit.

As I was sitting there it gave me time to really look around, considering the last few times I've been I was drunk and distracted.

I knew he must've been rich but he must be stupid rich. Like the rich you only see in the movies. A butler dressed man came into the dinning room carrying two plates. He sat on in front of Hoseok and one in front of me. It was a traditional Korean breakfast.

"So," I was playing with my chop sticks, "what do you do for a living?" I asked before taking a bite.

"I run a couple businesses." He shrugged. He pulled his phone out and started to scroll through.

"You must work a lot." I stated looking around the room once more.

"Some days are busier than most. But it all pays off in the end. What about you? You're in school right?" He asked me curiously. He sat his phone down and waited for my answer. I shrugged.

"My passion is music. It's something I could see myself doing. It's where my heart is if that makes any sense." I blushed at my own rambling. Hoseok smiled at me softly.

"That's why you were at that club." I hummed taking another bite.

"I've won a couple competitions there and I even talked to a talent scout once before." I smiled back thinking about the memory.

The rest of breakfast went by with light conversations. We would ask questions of each other to really get to know the other. It felt good talking to him.

Breakfast went from breakfast to about noon.

He was in the middle of explaining something about his business to me why his phone started to ring and vibrate.

"Oh no. I'm late for a meeting." He rolled his eyes before picking his phone up to answer the many notifications.

"I will have Lin take you to where ever you need to go. Oh and take this." He said handing me a little business card with his phone numbers on the card.

My cheeks heated at the gesture. I rose to my feet after he walked away. Lin walked into the room and escorted me to a car. He got in to drive whilst I rode in the back seat.

I looked down at the business card in my hand, turning it over occasionally.

Should I call him back?

Sure this morning was nice and everything and the sex we've had was fantastic. Would a relationship even be possible between us? I mean we are both adults but he's still older than me.

Why would he be interested in someone like me? I mean we don't really know each other but thats the purpose of dating. To learn more about each other.

A rush of anxiety raked through my system. Why was I getting so worked up about this? I couldn't remember the last time I was really in a relationship.

What if I'm reading into this too much and it's just for sex? Not that that kind of situation would be a first for me but that's not something I want to do again.

Would a relationship be a bad thing?

My internal battle was cut off when Lin pulled up to Jin's building.

I stepped out of the car and shaked my hair out as if that would clear my head.

Today was going to be a long day.


Hello my lovely readers! I have another update for you!!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

What do you think Yoongi should do?


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