Burns and Bruises

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Yoongi's POV~

The belt made contact with my back as soon as I passed the thresh hold of the door.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" My foster father screamed hitting me again with his belt. This time it collided with my neck.

I covered my neck with my hands and he took the opportunity to whip my sides. He shoved me and I ended up on the floor.

He kicked my stomach. All the oxygen once in my lungs left leaving me breathless. He started to hit my with the buckle of his belt. I could feel my skin welp upon impact.

I curled and hugged my stomach when he gave another kick. The buckle making contact with my cheek.

"You useless piece of shit!" He yelled again. He picked me up and threw my small body on the couch. Thinking the worse I tried to crawl away. He flipped me over onto my stomach and sat on my back.

I felt the air squish out of my lungs. His weight making it nearly impossible for me to breath.

"Where were you boy?" He asked. I could hear the familiar sound of a lighter.

"J-Just out-t." I wheezed. I was fight back the tears. All I felt was fear and pain. There was also a sense of familiarity to this situation.

I felt him rip my shirt and a burning sensation spread. My screams getting stuck in my throat.

"Did you get permission to go out?" I could hear the lighter again. The familiar smell of smoke hung in the air.

The burning sensation returned.

I bit my lip, the metallic taste of my blood stained my tastebuds. My knuckles turned white as I held on tightly to the couch.

"N-no s-sir." I tried to breath through the pain. He pulled my hair up. He held the lighter under my chin.

My movement became more frantic. Until he jerked my hair again.

"Are you going to do it again?" He growled in my ear.

"No sir!" I yelled as the scraping sound came from the lighter and a flame ignited. I felt the fire burn the skin under my chin. My dams finally broke as huge tears ran down my face.

I tried to move my head away. My head burned where he was pulling my hair out of my skull. I felt like my own skin was going to catch on fire.

I could finally breath when he stood up.

"Go take a shower. You have school tomorrow." He huffed then walked away. Still sobbing I managed to hobble my way into the bathroom.

I looked in the bathroom mirror and noticed the broken skin on my left cheek where his buckle made contact. Following the blood trail let to where he burned me.

The skin was different shades of red and some spots were purple-blackish. I carefully pulled off my shirt and looked at my back.

There were three little wholes where he burned me. It took me a minute to realize he put his cigarettes out on my skin.

I looked at the rest of my chest as it showcased aggravated red lines. I knew they would amount to dark colored bruises. My skin was open in various places from where the buckle and belt broke my skin. A yellowish bruises were starting to form from where he kicked me.

I was down looking at myself I turned on the shower water. I carefully stepped under the frigid water. I hissed and cursed as the water hit my burns and bruises.

Once I was done with my shower I wrapped myself in a towel and made a beeline for my room, dirty clothes in hand. When I made it in I closed and locked the door behind me.

I walked to my bag I still had yet to unpack and pulled out some comfortable clothes. I tried to lay in bed but nothing was comfortable.

I couldn't lay on my back. I definitely couldn't lay on my stomach. I ended up on me less bruised side.

I eventually found sleep or it found me.


The night was rough and I didn't really sleep that well. But I still got up wanting to leave this hell hole. Even if I was trading it in for another, the other sure was a hell a lot nicer.

I dressed as quickly as I could. I wore lose fitting jeans a black shirt and a black sweatshirt. I pulled the hood up and it covered up my face just fine.

Once I was dressed I went to the bathroom again to brush my teeth. I was horrified by my appearance. My cheek had doubled in size and was blue, purple, and yellow. My chin what white blisters the size of pennies and dimes.

There was a long red welp across my neck where the belt wrapped around it. I swallowed at the sight.

In all of my times of being abused they never hit my face. Everything else could be covered up, but you can't cover a face.

I sighed and gave up on brushing my teeth. I went back to my room and grabbed my backpack.

"Have fun at school." I heard one of them all. I ignored them and just left the house quicker.

When I finally made it to school everyone was there except Jin.

"Where's Jin hyung?" I asked looking around the courtyard.

"Oh my god Yoongi what happened to you?!" Namjoon exclaimed. I was quick to shush him.

"Don't worry bout it." I gruffed pushing his hands away from my injured face.

"Why don't you come stay with me?" Namjoon pleaded.

"I can't. They'll just take me away again." I sighed. Jimin walked up to me and carefully brought me into his arms.

A few traitorous tears escaped but I didn't nothing to remove them.

"Did you hear Yoongs? We have the same homeroom as hyungs." Jimin said softly into my ear as we hugged.

"Is it alright if we stay in today?" I asked not really wanting to be outside.

"Anything you want." Namjoon smiled a sad smile as we walked through the gates of hell.


The next few chapters will be a bit more... ¿uplifting?

And karma will come and collect her dues.


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