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Yoongi's POV~

The obnoxious ringing of the school bell signaled the end of the day. I was standing at the tree, by myself, for the first time today.

If I was with Jimin, the twins were always hovering. And it was a lost cause with Namjoon and Seokjin as they were all over each other.

The first set to arrive was Jimin with his two new shadows.

"Hey Yoongs." I brought up my hand and did a mock salute.
"Where's hyungs?" He asked looking around.

"Probably hitting another round."
"Should we head out?"
"Not with them."

I tipped my head to the twins. They looked at each other. I looked past them and saw Namjoon and Jin stumbling out of the school's main doors.

Both of them were flushed and had messy (sex) hair.

"You kids have fun?" I snickered as Jin limped over to us and glared at me. Namjoon only smirked.


We turned to the street to see a sleek black old fashioned Corvette. The driver side door opened and a tall man stood.

He had long but short black hair that hung somewhat in his face. His jaw line looked so sharp it would cut you if you touched it.

But there was a striking similarity to him, but I could quite place it.

"We have to go." The twins said at the same time, it almost sounded robotic. They left the tree and got into the car.

"I guess that proves it." We all looked at Jimin.

"Sexy people are always around other sexy people." Jimin sighed as he watched the area where the car was once sitting.

"I mean I am World Wide Handsome. It's nice to have someone almost as hot as me." Jin sassed and flopped his imaginary long hair.

"Oh my god." Jimin sighed. I laughed pulling out my box of cigs. Pretty soon I was going to need another pack.

I lit the final stick. Making sure to push Jimin's needed hands away. We were all standing around talking.

We had a big music project and a test coming up so there was a bit to talk about. We were trying to figure out how to get copies of the test when Mr. Lou came stomping out of the school.

His fat jiggled as his feet pounded the stairs. His skin looked flushed and a small sweat had broken out across his skin.

"Min Yoongi!" He bellowed. I looked up at him and took another blow of my cigarette.

All of the staff knew I smoked, knew Namjoon drank, knew the students had sex everywhere; I think they've given up on trying to discipline us. That or they just don't care.

So I kept smoking even up to the point Mr. Lou's sweaty fat ass made it over to me.

"You're not supposed to be smoking on school grounds." He hissed after a huff. I took a drag then blew it up into his face. He hanged and went into a coughing fit.

"That's it! I'm calling your parents!" He growled again. I rolled my eyes trying to mask the fear of my foster parents being called.

"Whatever you say Mr. Lou. But I'm going to have to say I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged and walked away. I grabbed Jin's wrist gently and pulled him with me.

Once we were far enough away I asked, "hyung can you drive me somewhere?" I asked once we made it to student parking. Jin was one of the few students that were able to drive. He let a lot of students carpool with him.

"Of course Yoongs. Maybe we should go to the doctors to get that looked at." I shook my head.

I gave him directions and after about 20 minutes, mostly due to traffic, we made it to where I needed to go.

"Thank you hyung." I said stepping out of the car.

"Let me go with you." He spoke in a hurried manor. He quickly got out of his car and followed me up the sidewalk.

We walked through the doors, the cold air smacking us in the face. I walked right up the the main desk.

"I want a new family." I stated setting my foster hand in the counter. The elderly woman looked up at me above her glasses. Her glance was short before her gaze returned back to the stack of paperwork.

"Yoongi I can't just give you a new family." She sighed. I pulled my hood back. My purple and green swollen cheek on full display. The white blisters making a peeping appearance as well.

"I need a new family." I spoke slowly this time. She looked up at me and did a double take. With the look of mortification on her face I knew I would get what I want.

"O-Oh my g-god!" She exclaimed. She stood up and gently grabbed my face moving it so she could look it over.

"You've never came to us when you were abused." She spoke softly, almost in a whisper. I whipped up some tears and let one slide.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi, but we don't have anywhere to put you. We'd have to put you back in the orphanage." It was now my turn to be mortified.

The Orphanage was the first place I was introduced to abuse. It was the place where all of us were sent.

"He can stay with me." Jin spoke up from no where. I forgot he was there.

"And who are you? We can't just let him stay with you. How old are you anyway?" The lady questioned Jin.

"My father is Doctor Kim SoMin. I'm Seokjin and I'm 18 years old." He answered with fierce confidence. A certain look over cake her face.

"I'll need your father to come down and sign some paperwork." The woman said as Jin drew nearer.

"Let me sign it. Yoongi needs to be in a safe home." Jin said putting an arm around me. I 'wept' in his arms.

Once the paperwork was done we left the building and I tried my actor tears.

"Looks like we're gonna be roommates."


. . .

I updated again 😁

This chapter was a bit all over the place but I hope it was still good.

I love reading y'alls comments 😂💜


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