Day in Hell-I mean School

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Yoongi's POV~

I woke up to the sun shining in through my small window and the loud noises of a freshly awoken city. I rolled over just wanting to go back to sleep. I want to be a stone in my next life. This life sucks. 

I was about to drift off again and an obsessive banging rang from the other side of my wooden door. 

"Get up boy! You have to go to school! We don't need those damn people here. I'll give you 5 minutes and if your ass isn't out of my house I swear to god!" I could hear her muttering as she walked away and down the hall. 

I rolled my eyes and unzipped my duffel bag. I pulled out my backpack that had a few notebooks and pencils in it. I threw my bag on and quickly left my room, making sure I had my phone and earbuds. 

I was so thankful that I slept in normal clothes as I ran out of the apartment. 

I walked down the street to the piss poor school in our area. This school was full of students that either came from places that were drowning in debt, drugs, or a place like mine. Or that's how they were living themselves. The endless cycle. 

I walked through the school gates and to one of the trees on the campus. There waiting for me was Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jimin. 

"See I told you he would be here." I heard Namjoon laugh as the others made eye contact with me. Jimin and Seokjin came running up to me and bear hugged me almost knocking me over. 

"I have something for you." Jin smiled while holding a brown paper bag. I took it seeing two tuna sandwiches. 

"Oh my god thank you hyung!" I pulled one out and bit into it. I moaned into it as it felt good to finally eat something. 

"So how is the new family?" Jimin asked, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 

"They're just collectors." I answered with a mouth full and a roll of my brown eyes. 

"Hwer uoy guish?" I asked with chipmunk cheeks. 

"Relax Yoongi, no ones going to take your sandwich." Namjoon laughed. 

"Things have pretty much been the same since you left. I was so worried they were going to take you from us." Jin pouted. 

"I would've walked my happy ass here if they did that." I laughed, trying not to choke. 

"But really guys, how are you? What did I miss?" I asked putting the second half of my sandwich in my bag. 

"You know how it goes Yoongs. Hell shots all around. Now lets go, the bell is about to ring and Mrs. Lee is a total bitch." Namjoon said wrapping an arm around Jin's waste and pulled him into the school building. Jimin and I following the two.  

We parted ways with Namjoon and Jin, as they were seniors and Jimin and I were Juniors. 

"I made your schedule while you were gone. We have all the same classes." Jimin smiled at me, but it didn't reach his eyes. Everyone fell in love with Jimin's eye smile. But nowadays you never see it. 

"You're the best Chim." I smiled wrapping my arm around his waste. He whinced but I didn't say anything. I also didn't say anything when I felt his hip bone under my finger tips. Or when I felt different vertebrates in his back by simply putting my arm around him.

"What's our schedule?"  

"1st and 2nd period our are free periods, 3rd period is Science, 4th is Math, then lunch. 5th Government , 6th period is language arts, and finally Music appreciation for 7th period." Jimin read off our schedule. 

"Then why the hell are we going to class." I asked halting my movements."

"Because we have to check in. They we'll meet hyungs at the tree." He said pulling my into one of the classes. 

We checked in with our teacher than made our way back outside. 

"When do hyungs have free period?" I asked leaning against the tree trunk once I sat on the dirt ground. 

"They should be out here soon." He said leaning against the tree beside me. He pulled out a sketch book and started to doodle. 

"Want one?" I asked offering him a stick.

"Lemme hit yours." He half smiled never looking up from his book. I huffed and lit one. I took a breath, inhaling all the toxins and stuff that may kill me one day, but I couldn't care less. I grabbed it and put it between his lips. He took a huff. 

He tilted his head back and blew a smoke ring.  

"Show off." I nudged his shoulder. 

"Learned it from you Yoongs." I laughed taking another hit. 

"Oooo lemme have." Jin said sitting beside me on his knees. I opened the carton and pulled out another stick. I put the tip to my lit one causing it to light a little. Jin brought it up to his lips. 

"Joon you want one?" I asked about to put my box back up.

"Nah I'm good." He said leaning against the tree. Keeping watch if you will. 

We sat in silence and relaxed in the presence of each other. 

"Why am I even here?" I leaned my head against the smooth bark of the tree. 

"Because you are here to get a good education and break The Endless Cycle." Namjoon smiled really wide and spoke in an overly happy voice. He paused again then dropped his smile into a frown and rolled his eyes. 

I smirked at his words, taking another hit. 

"God fuck this place." 

"They call it hell for a reason." 


Now we have met a good portion of the main characters. 

What do you think about the friendship trio?




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