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Yoongi's POV~

The walk to homeroom was quite despite the normal hallway chatter and noises.

"Where's Jin hyung?" I asked again as we neared our homeroom.

"There were a couple of new kids he had to show around. He said we have a new homeroom teacher too. Something about the last one quitting or something." Namjoon answered. We walked into our homeroom class and went straight to the back.

A handful of other students walked into the classroom. Everyone pretty much staying with their groups of friends.

"I wonder who the new people are." Jimin said. I nodded. Instead of normal desks, this classroom had rectangular desks that could set up to 8 people.

I sat in the middle on one side. Jimin on my left Namjoon on my right.

There was another wave of silence that hung over us. But it was relaxing.

"There's hyung." Jimin pointed to the doorway as Jin and two identical people walked in.

They had orangeish-brown hair. They were built the exact same. Almost as if one was the exact clone of the other. They had piercing blue eyes that seemed to see straight through into your sole.

"They're hot." Jimin gasped beside me. Jin walked over to our table, the twins following.

"Hey guys this is Taehyung and V! They just moved here."

Namjoon leaned back and nodded at them. I leaned forward pulling my hood more over my face. Jimin blushed but waved cutely.

"This is Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin." Jin introduced us. Their gazes seemed locked on Jimin. They sat across from us. Jin sat in front of Namjoon while Taehyung or V, I couldn't tell which, sat in front of me. The other in front of Jimin.

"Where'd you move from?" Namjoon asked.

"We were home schooled." One of them answered.

"You guys look the exact same." I felt someone kick me under the table.

"Ow what the hell?!" I hissed at Jin.

"Play nice Yoongi." I rolled my eyes at him. I laid my forehead down on the table while I rubbed my shin.

"Since when am I nice?" I asked once my shin numbed a bit. This time he rolled his eyes.

"W-What class do you guys have?" Jimin asked. One of them slid a paper, their schedule, across the table. Jimin took a minute to look through it.

"We have all of the same classes except for 6th period." He slid the paper back.

"Damn where the hell is this new teacher." Namjoon whined.

"I know I wanna pop a smoke." I sighed.

"Guys!" Jin low-keyed hissed at us.

"What? Not like they'll tell anyone. Besides if they do no one will give a shit." Namjoon griped. Namjoon and Jin held a glaring contest and I rolled my eyes at them.

"So what is there to do for fun around here?" One of the Twins asked.

"Depends on your definition of fun." I shrugged, leaning back like Namjoon.

"That's quite the shinier you're sporting there." The twin across from me spoke. I could tell by the way his eyes moved around my face that he could see the damage done.

"Ya, you should see the other guy." I smirked. Maybe we should blow up my foster parents apartment building next. I found an odd happiness at the thought.

"There's the new teacher." Namjoon pointed out.

A tall, buff, man walked into our homeroom. He wore circle glasses but only seemed to make him smarter. His hair looked to be styled in such a manor he out shined the school districts.

His eyes surveyed the room. It felt like he could read right through me. His gaze lingered on our table the most.

"Bro I'm so bored. Take the fuckin attendance already." Namjoon whispered.

"Good morning students, welcome to homeroom. I am also the new Social Studies teacher. Let me take attendance then you will be free to go." His voice boomed across the classroom. It didn't take him long to take the attendance.

Once he was done, Namjoon shot out of his seat so fast it fell backwards. He roughly grabbed Seokjin's wrist and pulled him out of the classroom.

I stood up more slowly and pushed in my chair. I walked out of the classroom with Jimin following me. And the twins followed him like flies on hog ass.

We made it outside when I started to head for our tree.

"Where did Jin and Namjoon go?" One of the twins asked. I should probably pay attention and try to figure out which is which.

"Probably to the bathroom to fuck." Jimin answered.

"Joon's been pretty frustrated recently." Jimin said almost to sweetly.

"Jin doin his whole disparate thing again?" I asked pulling out a cig.

"Ya. I didn't know about that until last night." Jimin spoke taking the cig out of my mouth.

He puffed it a few times before giving it back. The twins gave us weird looks.

"What?" I glared at them. Daring them to say something. But they remained silent.

"Are we going to the spot later?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know. I got in trouble for this weekend. If I go I'm not coming back out." I shrugged.

"You can't do that! Look at what happened last time!" Jimin huffed. I knew he was worried and I wanted to talk to him but I couldn't with them.

They both looked too soft. Their skin looked so flawless and they seemed extrude a sense of perfection that made me feel uneased.

I sat at the base of the tree, Jimin following suit. The twins gave each other side glances before they walked off.

"I think they're kinda hot." Jimin sighed, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Ya but they seem like a lot to handle. Rich too." I stated my opinion.

"I noticed that too. I guess if they wanted to look poor they should've ditched the gold plated watches." Jimin giggled as he slid one of the big watches on his wrist.

"When did you manage that?" I asked. I was honestly surprised.

"I've been practicing hyung." Jimin giggled. I shook my head but enjoyed the calmness that came with being outdoors and the comfort of being with a close friend.

And that's how I found myself in a peaceful sleep.

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I'm back!!

Okay so like I have an idea to make a few different spin offs of this book. Like one where it's NamKooks POVs, JinJin, and TaeMinV, what do you think?

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