Saturday at Joon's

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Yoongi's POV~

I felt warm and comfortable as I woke up. The soft sunshine warmed my face as it also woke me up.

I felt something keeping me pinned down to the bed and close to a warm body. I looked up to see Jimin asleep by my side, cuddling me. Our legs were hanging off the side of the bed and Namjoon was sprawled out on top of us. I groaned at the weight holding me down.

I shoved Namjoon's lanky body off my own. He slowly slid off the mattress making a loud thud when he hit the grown.

"Owww. . . Yyyyy-" He grumbled still asleep. Even in sleep he's clumsy. I snickered at the thought.

My attention was shifted to the door when Namjoon's mother peaked in.

"Good morning Yoongi." She smiled looking at me.
"Morning Ms. Kim." I replied with a yawn.

"Would you like some breakfast?" She asked opening the door a bit more. My stomach growled at the mention of food. I couldn't remember the last time I ate anything.

She laughed and motioned me to follow her. I carefully stepped over Joon and followed his mother.

She closed the door behind me and we walked down the hallway together.

"What time did you boys come over?" She asked when we got to the kitchen.

"Dark sometime." I shrugged. She continued to work on breakfast while I hung out at the table.

The apartment was small but it was homey. It was a simile two bedroom apartment and the kitchen, dining room, and living room was really just this big open space. But it felt safe.

We all loved Namjoon's mom. He'll everyone did. She was young, only in her mid to late 20s. She hand long black hair that framed her face. It looked like silk and felt just as soft. She was tall but at the same time she was small and looked so delicate.

Namjoon definitely got all of his good looks from her.

Because of her features it made her shine above the rest. Which only made it easier for her profession.

We all knew what she was. What she did. But because of the why, it only made us love her more.

She accepted all of us and all of our quirks too.

When she sat a plate of breakfast in front of me Jimin came stumbling into the room.

"Good morning Ms. Kim." He said meekly.

"Good morning Jimin." She greeted back with a smile and plate of food. Jimin happily accepted it.

"Where's Namjoon?" She asked.
"Still on the floor." Jimin answered picking at his food.

"Ya thanks a lot for that." Namjoon huffed walking into the kitchen. His mom handed him a plate then made herself one. We sat around the round table and ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence.

"So mom, would it be alright if Jimin stayed with us for a while?" Namjoon asked nonchalantly. He spooned I'm more food into his mouth.

"Of course! I've told you, you boys are welcome here anytime for however long." She quickly waved it off.

I sighed softly. Bon-Hwa, we called her Bonnie, tried to adopt me once. She did everything she could but she still wasn't the 'right' fit. But my current foster family was the 'perfect' fit.

Perfect fit my ass.

"So boys how've things been? How's school? You're all still keeping a good attendance?" She questioned. Her last question held a more authoritative bearing.

"I'm still a little behind but other wise it's been fine." I shrugged. Her attention turned to Jimin.

"How's your uncle Jimin?"

I felt a wave of panic was over me. I could see Jimin shrink away from the question before he sighed.

"Good as far as I know. I spent the night handing out with these two weirdos." He shrugged. I didn't know to feel either dumbstruck or awestricken because of how he played it off.

"Well I just want you to know my door is open to you boys if you ever need it. The bunks are in there for a reason." She said seriously. We smiled and nodded as we finished up our breakfast.

Once we were finished we moved to the kitchen to help her clean up the mess.

"Alright boys I am going out. Y'all behave!," she took a moment to point at all of us but mostly Namjoon, "I'll be back in a few." She finished. Namjoon walked his mother to the door as Jimin and I flopped on the couch.

The door out was down a small hallway. I could hear their hushed whispers followed by a the closing of the door.

Namjoon soon strolled I'm and sat alongside us. I turned the TV and the news was the first thing on.

"So like we need to come up with a story. Just in case." I spoke looking between the two. They looked at me then back at the TV.

The news footage showed the collapsed apartment building.

"They investigating proved that the buildings collapsed was due to an unsuspecting fire. Most likely due to a broken gas line the buildings collapse caused the two neighboring buildings to collapse as well. The accident killed 125 people and left 123 hospitalized."

The news continued to talk. But we were quite between us. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I opened the window and lit up a smoke.

The nicotine filled my system allowing me to relax. I wanted to pace but I fought the urge.

"Everyone relax." Jimin said standing up. He walked over to me and took my cig taking a hit. He gave it back and walked between me and the couch.

"They said accident. It was a gas line. We left through the back ally and I know there are no cameras. We are fine." Namjoon reasoned standing as well.

"Jimin if they ask about your uncle cry or some kind of theatrics. If they do ask us we'll say we were hanging out at the park or something." Namjoon shrugged. I nodded and flicked out my cigarette.

This was going to be a long week.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Things have been crazy busy! But I'll be done with school next week so it'll be better for me to update.

Vote, comment, follow, stay healthy!!


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