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I sat on the small twin bed my new foster parents gave me. The room was painted a baby blue with white trim. The wooden floor was clean and polished. The busy city of Seoul sounded through the small apartment walls.

There was a single dresser in the room. And a small rug in front of it made up the furniture in my room. My new 'mom' said we could decorate it but we'll see if I'm here that long. I grabbed my phone, plug in my ear plugs, and started to listen to music. 

Time went by and when dusk hit the horizon by bedroom door slammed open.

"What're you doin?" My 'mother' barked. 

"Nothing." I sighed, mostly to myself, I doubt she heard me. 

"Don't be sass me cunt. Go down to the corner store and get me some smokes." She threw money at me then walked away. I rushed and picked up the money. 

"But I'm not old enough to buy-" 

"Just go down to the corner store and say you're getting it for me." She lit another cigarette.  

"And get me a bottle of Jack boy." The my 'father' yelled from his chair in the living room. 

I rolled my eyes but left. I turned my music up so loud I couldn't hear the life in the city. 


I flinched at the loud ringing in my ear. I fished my phone out of my pocket and smiled when I saw that it was one of my hyungs. I answered the call, running it through my earbuds, I placed my phone back in my pocket as we started to talk. 

"Hey Joonie." 

"Hey Yoongs. Are you back in Seoul?"

I kicked a pebble. 

"Ya. I just got assigned a new family." I sighed 

"Any good?" 

"No. All they want it to collect a check." 

"Aw shit Yoon, I'm sorry man." 

"It's fine." 

"Right fine."

"Joon as much as I love you man, was there a reason you called?" 

"Yes! RIght! Umm so like you've been gone for forever-" 

"I was gone for two months." 

"Don't interrupt me brat! But I wanted to know how everything went and where you were and-" 

"I know Joon. I'm back in Seoul. I imagine the boys have some similar questions. Can we just meet up? So I only have to tell it once?" 

"That would be perfect! Oh and Jinnie wants to have a get together for your birthday." 

"I thought I said I didn't want to do anything for it. And he'd kick your ass for not calling you hyung." I laughed. As much as I didn't want to have anything to do with my date of birth, it was nice to have someone care. 

"Well I beat his ass last night so we'll see about that." I could hear his smirk from the other side of the phone. I rolled my eyes but smiled non the less. 

"Why don't you two date already?" 

"We tried that, we work better as just friends. But the sex was too good to give up so whatever." 

"You guys seemed so perfect together." 

"Ya I thought so too, but whatever."

"Whatever you say Joon. Hey I'll text you later. The woman sent me to get cigs and Jack."

"What the fuc-"

I cut the call off already knowing what he was going to say. I walked up to the small, sketchy, corner store. I walked through the doors and the place reeked. The bulbs made a buzzing noise and seemed to add a green tent to everything. 

The dead bugs in the screens didn't help the poor lighting either. There were cracks in the tile and the place felt dreary.  The man sitting behind the counter was a noticeably under weight with dark purple bags under his eyes. His hair was so greasy that it clung to his scalp. I shivered and quickly looked away from him. 

I pulled my jacket closer to my body, trying to seek comfort from anything. I pulled my hood down more over my face. I walked to the alcohol grabbing a pint of Jack Daniels. I walked up to the counter setting the booze down in front of the man. 

"I need a pack of cigs too." I mumbled. 

"You got an ID kid?" The man asked, his voice cracked and dry. When he spoke it revealed yellow and rotted teeth. 

"No. I'm picking it up for Crystal." 

"Aw okay kid." I put the money on the counter. He grabbed it and placed the cigarettes down beside the pint.  He threw a pack of cheap cigs on top of the other. I looked up at the man. 

"You look like you could use 'em. Especially being one of her kids." He nodded with a small chuckle. It gave me a boost of confidence. Not.

"Thanks." I nodded grabbing the stuff. I slipped the small pack into my back pocket then left the sketchy store. I'll have to keep that place in mind.

While I was on the phone with Namjoon I didn't notice how creepy this side of town is. There were condemned buildings everywhere you turned. But it didn't matter as people still resided within the ruins. 

The alleyways almost seem deeper and darker. Walking by one would send a shiver down anyones spine. 

The street lights didn't help, well more like lack of. Every other light seemed to be out or flickering. I put an extra pep in my step to get back to place I am residing in. 

I walked through the door to see Crystal forking a large velvet cake. 

"Took you long enough." She hissed. I placed the cigarettes down on the table in front of her and the pint beside it. 

"What am I? A maid? Take that to him." She rolled her eyes reaching for her cigs. 

I walked to the lump on the couch. The TV was blaring some nonsense rerun. A lit cigarette hung from his cracked lips. I extended my hand out to give him the pint. 

"Good job boy. Now go away." He huffed. I walked away, going to the safety of my four walls. 


I bit my lip and grabbed my assaulted cheek. 

"Nice ass." He tipped his head and raised the pint. I sighed and walked back to 'my' room. I resisted the urge to slam the door. I did lock it though. 

I went to the single window and opened it. I stepped out onto the rusted fire escape. 

I pulled out the cheap cigarettes, pulled one out of the paper carton, and lifted a stick. 

And I lit it.


Chapter 1, from Yoongi's perspective. 

What do you guys think? 

Yoongi's in a bad situation but trust me, it's not the worst one.


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