Last Summer

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Yoongi's POV~

I was still lost in my thoughts as I made my way to my friends. They looked puzzled at my puzzlement.

"Yoongi, where is your normal emotionless face?" Jimin asked looking up at me from in between the twins. It was lunch time so the group of friends were were in the cafeteria at their normal table. It was a warm day out, a lot of the students took their lunches outside.

"Where have you been all day?" Seokjin asked once I finally sat in my seat.

"I stayed over at my one night stand again." I rubbed my hands through my frazzled hair. I could really only imagine how crazy it was.

"Again? Wait is it that one guy from the party?" Namjoon asked between bites of his sandwich. His hair was crazy too but it looked good, handsome.

"Yes." I whined. I folded my arms and laid my head in my arms. I could hear Namjoon's cackles. I sighed loudly in frustration. There is a minor code we normally stick with, its pretty common actually. A one night stand is a ONE night stand.

"Namjoon leave him alone! Not like you have any grounds to talk on. You were getting dicked down at the club last night." Jimin said, defending me.

I looked up right in time to see Namjoon throwing his sandwich at Jimin. But of course his clumsy ass missed.

"Hey you ass this is a new shirt!" Taehyung yelled. Namjoon just flipped him off.


"No! You ditched me for that one guy!" Jimin whined. And that is why Jimin was defending me. I rolled my eyes.

"Not like it was a bad thing he left." V purred in his ear. Jimin's cheeks flushed pink.

"So.... How was your morning Yoongi?" Seokjin asked breaking the sexual grossness between the trio and a brooding Namjoon.

"I had breakfast at his place. And," I paused to really think about my next words, "he gave me his number." I looked up through my lashes up at my friends.

"You have his number? Are you going to call him?" Jimin piped up. The twins looked slightly annoyed at me as Jimin was no longer paying attention to them.

I sighed.

"I don't know. Everything seems to be moving so fast that I just want to take a moment to breathe. I rubbed my temples, willing my headache away.

Was I really ready for a relationship?

Wait wait wait....

What if this is just for more sex? Why am I assuming it's for a relationship?

Different thoughts kept running around in my head, making it pulse. Eventually just leaving me with a huge headache.

"Why don't you eat something Yoongi. You don't have to make a decision now." Seokjin said softly from beside me. I nodded pecking at the shitty cafeteria food.

By the time we ended up finishing our lunch it was time to get back to class. The loud screaming of the time bell and the loud hallways announced it loudly. The school day dragged on until we were finally released from its steal clutches.

No one really wanted to go home yet so we headed to the next best place. We really should come with a name for this place because hangout or clubhouse sound stupid. And nothing sound more suspicious than 'hey wanna go meet at the condemned building?'

"So Yoongi you never told us where you went over the summer." I froze mid step as I turned to look at Seokjin nervously. I've forgotten I never told them what happened. The only one that really knew anything was Namjoon. And with everything going on I had forgotten to even mention it. Not that I wanted to.

"Didn't you say that they were trying out a new family for you or something?" Namjoon tried to cover for me, it was a hard subject. But I sighed. These were my best friends. Minus the twins but I guess they're cool, I'll just have to omit certain details.

"Lets get topside then I'll talk about it." I faced forward again and started to climb the stairs. Each step made me more tired than the last.

Once situated on the roof top I gazed at my friends. Jimin and Jin hyung booth looked at me with large eyes. Namjoon bit his lip nervously. Taehyung and V looked curious but I don't think they really cared.

"I went to go see my mother." This seemed to shock almost everyone.

"Not to come off rude Yoongs but I didn't had a mother." Jin said softly. I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah that's another long story. Long story short our living conditions were seen as unfit so they took me away." I paused for a moment.

"The last parents I was with, before I left, allowed me to go. They were the range free type pretty much," I could feel my eyes flood with tears, "my m-moms funereal was beautiful. A-And the reason I was gone so long was mostly because of family drama." I blanked looking up. Willing the tears to go away. It was no secret I truly loved my mother.

She was beautiful, kind, and sweet. We were just in a bad situation. That's all.

"I'm so sorry that happened Yoongs." I half smiled at Jimin.

"Eh. It is what it is. I just want to live my life. Away from all that." I shrugged.

I turned and stared out at the city I now called home.  I might have been born in Daegu but Seoul was my home back.

And I was never going back to that hellhole.

Until the demons come to drag me back.


Hello my lovely readers!

Here is another update!! I am so sorry for not updating for so long. But I hoped you enjoy this update!


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