That's a lot of Grey

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Bomb shell chapter & it's long:

Yoongi's POV~

I walked through the threshold of my new, temporary, home. It was clean and the themed seemed to be modern. The walls were a medium gray with white accents. The furniture was a mix between whites and blacks. The sharp edges make everything look as if it was precisely put where it was.

But it was also dark and cold. No pictures hung on the wall. There weren't any trinkets or ornaments that seemed to have any kind of sentimental value.

It didn't look like anyone lived here.

"Thank you hyung." I said sincerely, even if this place was a bit barren it was better than where I was.

He led me down a dark hallway. I couldn't help the shiver that slid down my spine.

"Of course Yoongi! I wish you would've told me sooner." Jin shrugged but opened a door. Inside it was a simple grey room with a single twin bed in the middle. There was a dresser on one of the walls. Black currants kept the room dark and cool.

"I'm sorry it's so empty." He said walked over to a desk I didn't see until he ran his finger over the edge.

"And dusty." He turned and smiled at me whipping his finger on his pants. There was a moment of silence. I gripped the handle of my bag tighter.

"Here I'll help you." He smiled taking my bag from my shoulder and setting it on the bed. He went over the the drapes and threw them open, literally letting the light in.

The theme was just like the rest of the house.

Modern, precise, and grey.

"So how'd it go?" It took me a minute to understand what he was asking.

"Oh! Sorry I had a moment. It went well they arrested them and I got my stuff. They said I was innocent. But the social people took my statement and pictures of the wounds." I shrugged putting some jeans in one of the dresser drawers.

It felt really nice to unpack.

"I'm glad it went smoothly." I nodded to his words. We continued to unpack my duffle in silence.

Once we were done I flopped onto my new bed. It was hard but it was still a bed. The ringing from Jin's phone brought me out of my peace like state.

"Oh sorry! Umm uhh-" he took a moment to stumble over his words, "I-I got someone coming over." He mumbled typing away at his phone.

"Okay. I'll stay in here. 'M tired anyway." I fake yawned to add to my theatrics. He gave me a quick smile before he scurried out of my room.

I laid back down and huffed. The silence gave me time to think.

I've only known Jin for 2 almost 3 years now. Jimin, Namjoon, and I practically grew up together. Our parents all used to be friends. So naturally we became friends. But even after the divorce, drugs, and accident we all kept in touch.

Namjoon has known Jin the longest. He was Namjoon's first boy-crush. He fell head over heels for Jin. It was almost like he was obsessed.

They dated for a while but about 4 months ago their relationship went down hill. Joon didn't want to talk about it and I didn't want to talk to Jin about it. It upsets me that he hurt my best friend.

After what felt like forever I got up. I slowly opened my door, not wanting to spoil whatever Jin was doing, he did give me a place to stay.

I walked down the long hallway. There seemed to be an echo that reverberated off the walls. I kept walking until I passed by Jin's bedroom. The sounds were coming from his room.

His door wasn't closed all the way and through the crack I could see a male taking him from behind. The man grabbed Jin's hair and pulled his head back.

Jin released a load moan as the males hips moved faster.

"F-Fuck!" Jin moaned as he jerked himself off to the rhythm of the males thrust. His thrust grew sloppy and Jin's moans were louder in pitch.

I stepped away from the door as if hit with a wave. I felt betrayed and disgusted.

It wasn't even a full 24 hours since he's been with Namjoon and now he's just getting fucked again. I ran away from the door filled with nothing but anger.

I slammed my door shut and paced my room.

A million how's and why's raced through my head. I sat on the edge of my bed and ran a hand through my hair. I shook my hair out and mentally slapped myself.

What they did was none of my business and I was being dramatic.

It was probably another hour or so before Jin reappeared in my doorway. The door creaked open as he looked at the floor boards sheepishly.

"Look Yoongi, I'm sorry you had to see that." He sighed. I shrugged my shoulders but didn't say anything.

"Does Namjoon know?" I asked once he didn't go away.

"Sort of." He said softly. I rolled my eyes but he must've seen it.

"It's not like we're dating anymore." He stayed his time rising.

"Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like it. Running off to the bathroom for midday fucks or the cutesy things you do an say to each other." I bit back. His face turned red but I felt the need to stoke the fire again.

"Do you even realize how lucky you are?! How easy you have it?!" I yelled at him.

Maybe if I wasn't high on emotions and was to think rationally I never would have said anything. But after everything today, I was ready to play with fire.

But I wasn't ready for his burn.

"You think I have it easy? That I have the perfect life?!" He sassed a few tears slipped and ran down his cheeks.

"You have no right to tell me that I am lucky or that I am blessed or that I have it EASY!! You don't know me Yoongi! And guess what! If you want to compare situations, there are people out there that have it worse than you!" He yelled. I felt a pang on my heart knowing I've crossed a line.

"There are people in your situation with no way out! There are homeless people who are starving and raped everyday. And if I'm so lucky and have it SO easy, then why did my mother die!" He screamed. More tears streamed down his face.

"It took her 3 years to up and die. But I have it so easy. I have it so easy I didn't have to watch as my mother went through kemo. I didn't have to watch her drown in her own blood. I didn't have to feel so useless that I hate myself just a little bit more everyday." He was whispering now as he sunk to the floor.

"I'm so lucky and have life so easy." He sassed through his tears.

I felt another wave of disgust hit me. But this time, it was of myself.


Well... it's been a rough week y'all. I really shouldn't write on rough weeks.

But here's a little insight on Jin's back story.

What did you feel about Jin's apartment feel/decor?

I know Jin might've seemed like he had life the best but I want you to know, everyone in this story is fucked up in one way or another.

Also an important point I'd like to hit one: don't make peoples problems feel like they shouldn't be problems.

I need to get off my soap (*cough sope) box before I start preachin.

-This chapter is long enough anyway 1308-


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