Oikawa Tooru x Reader

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She was beautiful, when ever she walked down the hallway heads would turn to look at her. To the opposite gender she is a mysterious beauty of the world.

This mysterious beauty is your younger sister.
( A/N it's ok reader-chan it gets better (T_T)\(^-^ ) )

You share the same features yet you two are complete opposites.

You liked being in a calm and quiet environment while she can't stand silence.

You like reading, she likes shopping. You'd rather have a movie weekend while she would rather hang out with friends and go on dates each weekend. (Just go with it please (T ^ T))

But there is one thing you both shared, and it is the admiration you both have for the captain of your schools, boys volleyball team. Oikawa Tooru.

You and Oikawa have been in the same class each year in high school. You even have been partnered during some lab experiments, which earned you death glares from about all the girls in the lab that day... Maybe some guys too?

But regardless you became infatuated with the setter, yet you never acted on it. You lacked self confidence and you thought he'd never date, or even associate himself with an introvert like yourself.

So when he came to you about relationship advice not only were you a little confused but also a little heart broken.

"Come on [y/n], you at least have to know something about getting someone to like you back!" Oikawa says and you shake your head.

"Sorry, I'm not really the type of person seeking out someone else's romantic acceptation." You say/lie. In return he just sighs, "I don't understand why you're worried, you've already got a majority of the girls here liking you. Probably some guys too." You mumble the last part to yourself.

"Well what kind of guys would you like, you're a girl right?" He says, ouch that kind of stings bit.

"I guess I'd want someone who would accept me for who I am, that's sweet to me and actually notices I exist. And that I'm not my sister." You say mumbling the last part.

As if on cue a loud voice could be heard from the hallway we are walking down.

"Oikawa-kun!" Your sister yells, you instantly sulk a bit when you see Oikawa's face brighten. You continue walking as Oikawa stops to wait for your sister to be beside him.

In all honesty you were expecting him to like you sister. She was after all kind of popular for a second year.

Since all clubs activities were canceled for today you headed home after school, stopping at a connivence store on the way to buy yourself your favorite drink.

Either way you still got home before your sister. Sighing, you start making a bag of popcorn before grabbing your softest blanket and pillow, and dragging them into the living room.

After migrating the popcorn from its bag and into a bowl, grabbing your favorite drink and putting your favorite movie into the DVD player, you make yourself comfortable.

About halfway through the movie you hear the front door open.

"Mom and dad are out! Make your own dinner tonight!" You call assuming it's your sister.

"But [f/n]-chan! I wanted you to cook for me!" A voice, that clearly isn't your sister's, calls back.

Almost instantly you snap your head to the side seeing Oikawa, in all his glory, coming into the living room and plopping himself down on the seat next to you like he owns the place. Wow rude.

"Not to sound rude but why are you here?" You question scooting away from him. He pouts slightly at your action.

"We were having a conversation and you so rudely walked away~" he whines stretching out the last syllable and your eye twitches before you sigh.

"Sorry, I thought you wanted to talk to my sister in private." You mumble and he pouts.

"I did a lot of asking around you know, about the relationship advice stuff. Though most girls I questioned got the wrong ideas and thought I was asking them out on a date." He frown and you give him a look.

"I think most of your fan girls would cling onto the fact that you've decided to randomly speak to them, about relationship advice no less, then take it and run with it." You state and he nods reaching for the popcorn bowl on the table.

"That's what I've thought too. So I come to realize that directly telling the person you like them would be the best approach." He states tossing a piece of pop corn into his mouth.

"The direct approach would probably work, though you've got to be careful on some girls, they might get too flustered and faint if you so much as approach them." You laughs slightly and he frowns.

"[f/n] chan~ you're such a pessimist~" he whines and you quirk an eyebrow at him.

"I like to think of it as seeing the world for how it is, if you get your hopes up only to have them crushed, it really messes with your point of view towards life." You state, sounding kind of sad to Oikawa, staring at the corner of the coffee table as a silence falls between the two of you.

"[f/n] chan." Oikawa says sounding close to you.

You hum, turning your head to look at him to see he's inches away from your face. He cups your cheek with his hand leaning forward, his eyes glued to your lips, slowly closing and before you even process what's happening you feel warm lips on yours.

You, being too shocked to react, sit there with widen eyes as he pulls back pouting at you.

Once you've finally come to your senses you face flushes crimson before attempting to hide your blush with the back of your hand, and he returns to his usual smirk when he notices exactly what you're trying to do.

"[f/n] chan I like you, will you be my girlfriend~"he questions and you being too shocked simply nod you head.


First one shot~ whoop whoop~ don't judge me

I don't own the picture I just found it on tumblr!!


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