Terushima Yuji x Reader

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"Do I have to go?" You ask your friends as they hook their arms with yours and pull you along.

"There's gonna be cute guys~" your friend sings happily and you give her a look.

"Okay... Cute guys are great but what about you guys promising to go out to eat with me today?" You question with a pout.

"I'll buy you food tomorrow if you just come along quietly." Your friend quips and you blink at her offer.

"Make it for three days and you have a deal."

"Fine." your friend sighs.


And that's how you end up in a group of people, most of who you don't know.

You stare at the guy with a spiky blonde undercut as he talks to the people surrounding him with a hint of a smirk on his face. You can't help but to notice the gleam of silver in his mouth when he speaks.

I wonder if it hurts when you get your tongue pierced... You think to yourself as he laughs with his mouth open, out of all the places he could get pierced why'd he chose his tongue?

"Whatcha looking at [Y/N]." Terushima suddenly questions you and you snap out of your daze, looking around to see both groups your friends and his have disappeared and he seems closer than he was before.

"Where'd everyone go?" You ask looking around.

"To go get food." He responds simply, "Now answer my question."

"I was wondering what it felt like to have a tongue piercing." You answer honestly.

"You mean like mine?" He questions slightly sticking out his tongue to show the silver stud pierced through his tongue.

"Why get your tongue pierced though?" You question and he looks like he's never been asked that.

"It looks cool." He shrugs, "Plus it has its uses." He grins mischievously and you furrow your eyebrows.

"What... What do you mean?" You question feeling slightly confused about what a tongue piercing can do.

"Do you want me to show you?" He asks and it's then that you realize he's gotten closer to you.

"S sure?"

The next thing you know his lips are molded against yours. You blink at the sudden action before closing your eyes and melting into this kiss.

He nibbles on your bottom lip and they part in a sigh allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth.

You make a noise that you feel embarrassed about when you feel his tongue ring graze your teeth before it massages you tongue.

When you part, Terushima grins at your flushed and dazed state.

"One of its many uses." He lowly grinning and you just blink at him, turning redder than you already were.


Lololol what did I just write omg.

I have a 600-800 word paper due tomorrow and I haven't even started. Oops.

I've been distracted by that Otome Game Mystic Messenger.

707 is Bae

Anyways from now on I'll start working on requests. I just felt like writing about Terushima because he deserves some more recognition (so does Semi so expect something about him).

Hope you all are doing well~

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