Yamaguchi Tadashi x Reader

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You hum to yourself, walking towards school skipping a little and feeling oddly chipper today. You hear an odd sound, its a little feral but you still decide to check it out.

You jog around the corner to see a medium sized dog and a slightly smaller dog snarling at each other before attacking and you, being a person who doesn't like seeing anything hurt, step in picking up the smaller dog and holding it out of the reach of the bigger one, who in turn bites your forearm. (Reader -chan being a hero (≧∇≦))

You cringe a bit, biting you lip so you don't start crying, and the dog realizing it just bit you whimpers looking down at the ground ashamed, while the littler one jumps out of your arms and runs away as the bigger one chases it.

You sigh watching them run off, them being all playful and you realizing they were playfully fighting with each other and your eye twitches a bit.

"[l/n] san!" A voice says, snapping you out of your annoyed thoughts, and you turn to look at the person and see your crush, Yamaguchi Tadashi.

You've had a crush on the freckled Jesus ever since he was nice enough to let you share his textbook with him when you left yours at home on accident.

After that you both started to talk to each other more and more becoming close friends, you even almost got along with Tsukishima... Almost.

"[l/n] chan! Your bleeding!" He points out pointing to the arm the random dog bit, "what happened?"

"Ah, I was stopping two dogs from fighting and one managed to bite me..." you state sheepishly scratching you cheek with your uninjured hand.

"We need to clean it or it's going to get infected." he says grabbing your hand and pulling you along.

You blush when you realize your crush is in fact holding your hand as he drags you quickly through the campus.

He pulls you along to the nurses office, and the nurse doesn't seem to be there.

So he decides to clean your wound. The silence, as he starts disinfecting your arm, is overwhelming and makes you feel a little awkward.

"Um, t thank you for helping me." you mumble out in an attempt to make the silence go away.

"Uh yeah, it's no problem [l/n] chan." he replies and the silence comes back.

"[l/n] chan/ Yamaguchi." you both say at about the same time, you had decided that it was now or never, and that you have to tell him how you feel, "Ah y you go first." you say to him blushing slightly.

"[f/n]-" he starts off, causing your face to heat up by him using your first name, only to be cut off by the bell, warning students that class is fixing to start, he sighs before asking, "can you meet me after school?"


So here you are standing face to face with Yamaguchi at the back of the school.

All throughout your classes you were very anxious and fidgety. You really wanted to know what Yamaguchi wanted to talk to you about and you unintentionally stole glances at him throughout class.

Unbeknownst to you he stole glances at you during the school day also.

"Ah you wanted to talk to me Yamaguchi?" You say to break the silence, offering a small smile.

"[f/n]," he says seriously causing your face to turn a soft tinge of pink, "I - I..." he stutters out before pausing, "I really like you!" He states firmly looking into your eyes.

"Y-Yamaguchi-" you start only to be cut off by him.

"I-its fine if you don't like me back! I I just wanted to tell you my feelings... You don't have to reply immediately." He states before turning around abruptly and leaving for what you assume is volleyball practice.

"He could've at least waited until I said yes." you mumble, watching the back of the middle blocker become smaller before running into the second gymnasium.


"I don't think [l/n] liked the fact that you left after confessing to her." the decoy says bluntly to the pinch server causing Yamaguchi to blush.

"I-I panicked okay? I didn't want to hear her reject me." he sighs as they continue to clean up.

"You didn't even know if she was going to reject you or not." Tsukishima retorts as he goes to put up the broom.

Practice was over earlier then usual and cleaning went by quickly, so the captain decided to buy everyone pork buns.

As the team approached the gates of the school Yamaguchi and the rest saw a figure leaning against the front gate with their arms crossed, waiting for someone most likely.

And of course upon closer inspection, they all realized it was...

(This is a one shot we all know how this is going to go~~)


When Yamaguchi and [l/n] made eye contact, [l/n] stood up straight, uncrossed her arms.... and blushed.

The rest of the team understood what was happening,(Tanaka and Nishinoya were both proud and envious of their kouhai) and continued to the foothill store telling Yamaguchi they'd wait for him there.

So here the two were... standing face to face again and blushing.... Again.

"[l-l/n] -chan?" Yamaguchi is the first to break the silence causing you to turn your head to the side a bit.

"Y You never let me answer." You say, and if it hadn't been for the fact that it was only the two of you he probably wouldn't have heard it, "I..." You pause before turning your head look him in the eye, "I like you too, Yamaguchi." You state biting your lower lip, your face turning different shades.

"D does that mean we're dating now?" He questions innocently, causing you to laugh a little while nodding your head.


Daw freckled Jesus~~

[some edits ssu]

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